Our Mission
For The Love Of Alex Inc. provides emergency funding for life-saving veterinary care of low-income families.
The Emergency Fund is currently helping Rambo
The EMERGENCY FUND is currently helping this poor kitty! 🆘
Rambo was found wandering around an apartment complex; a kind animal lover noticed his face looked swollen and he could not close his mouth. Rambo was super friendly, and she took him home. Upon closer examination, she could see Rambo was in dire shape.
Izzy The Dog
Izzy, a cute little dachshund from Oregon, has a nasty infection in her mouth, her breath smells bad and it is painful for her to eat her kibble. Izzy’s mom has been softening her food with warm water to help but Izzy needs surgery to remove multiple teeth and three small growths on her chest.
Miko The Cat
Miko, a handsome boy from North Carolina, has several bad teeth. In 2022, Miko experienced a life-threatening urinary blockage and has since been on a prescription urinary canned food diet to prevent another blockage.
Thor The Cat
Thor, an adorable Arizona kitty, has a tumor growing in his armpit area. Thankfully, the tumor does not appear to be attached to any bones or muscles. Thor’s veterinarian recommends removing the tumor and sending it to pathology.
Munchie The Dog
An unfortunate accident has left Munchie's right eye severely injured. Munchie, a cute little pup from Pennsylvania, was roughhousing in the backyard with his fur sister Elsa when she accidentally stepped on Munchie’s face, and his eye popped out of its socket!
Cricket The Cat
Cricket, a handsome tabby from Pennsylvania, is experiencing a complete urinary blockage. He is currently hospitalized with a urinary catheter and is receiving IV fluids and medications to manage his condition. While Cricket’s kidneys were compromised, his levels are improving, and he is eating well. He will remain in the ICU until he is stable enough for surgery…
Speedy Jr The Cat
Something is wrong with Speedy Jr’s eye!
Speedy Jr, a 5-month-old kitten from Minnesota, has been suffering from chronic eye infections in his right eye. Speedy Jr. has been treated numerous times with anti-inflammatory and antibiotic ophthalmic drops however, nothing has relieved his symptoms.
Molly And Mariam
Molly and Mariam are in dire need of help! They both suffer from painful oral disease and need surgical tooth extractions. When a pet develops oral disease, it increases bacteria within the mouth and oral tissues. This bacteria can enter the bloodstream and travel to other areas within the body, causing liver or kidney disease. Both surgeries offer these precious furbabies a longer, healthier, and pain-free future.
Molly The Dog
This precious little Oregon pup, Molly, has multiple infectious teeth that need surgical removal. Molly’s face is swollen, and it’s painful for her to eat. Molly hasn’t had a good life; she was abandoned in an apartment after the owners just packed up and moved!
Mariam The Cat
Mariam, a beautiful 10-year-old kitty from northern California, was diagnosed with Stomatitis. Stomatitis causes severe inflammation in the mouth and affects the gums, lips, tongue, as well as the roof and floor of a cat’s mouth. Stomatitis is painful and debilitating…
Zoey The Cat
Zoey, a beautiful tortie from New York, has a painful tumor growing in her left ear. It constantly gets infected and bleeds. Zoey had the tumor removed a few years ago, but it grew back larger, and now it’s affecting her eye. Zoey has been suffering for far too long and needs surgery ASAP!
Mookie, a floof from Tennessee was struggling to breathe. Mookie was diagnosed with a diaphragmatic hernia, often caused by blunt-force trauma to the abdomen. Mookie’s intestines and spleen had migrated into his chest cavity! Mookie needed life-saving surgery immediately…
THE EMERGENCY FUND helped this beautiful Michigan furbaby! 🚑Bitty Girl’s life almost ended before it began. As tiny four-week-old kittens, Bitty Girl and her siblings were tossed from a car like trash. Bitty sustained an injury to her front right leg but recovered; however, years later, she developed a cancerous tumor on her paw…
THE EMERGENCY FUND is helping this handsome New Jersey boy have surgery tomorrow! 🚑
THE EMERGENCY FUND is helping this handsome New Jersey boy have surgery tomorrow! 🚑
Over the holiday, we received an urgent plea for help. Bagel had a life-threatening urinary blockage and was hospitalized with a urinary catheter. Bagel needs perineal urethrostomy (PU) surgery to widen his urethra to prevent another deadly occurrence.
The Emergency Fund helped Millie 🚑
The Emergency Fund helped Millie, a beautiful pup from Texas, who had torn her cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) in her back right leg. A CCL is a connective tissue that connects the shin bone to the thigh bone and stabilizes the knee. A torn CCL is a serious injury that can limit a dog's mobility…
Lucy The Kitten
Last month, the Emergency Fund helped a little 4-month-old Iowa kitten named Lucy who had diarrhea and a swollen and enlarged rectum. The diarrhea was so severe that it had scorched off the fur and skin from Lucy’s tail and back legs. Today, Lucy is happy, healthy, and back to her usual kitten self, zooming around and causing all kinds of kitten mischief!
Tommy Girl The Cat
A U.S. Army veteran’s cat has suffered severe injuries. Tommy Girl, a beloved furbaby from Kentucky, snuck outside, and when she returned home, she was limping. Tommy Girl needs Triple pelvic osteotomy (TPO) surgery, which has been estimated to cost $2,800.00. Tommy Girl’s elderly dad lives on a meager disability benefit he can not afford his beloved girl’s surgery…
Rubble The Dog
This adorable Texas pup, Rubble, has been diagnosed with a prolapsed urethra, a condition where the tail end of the urethra protrudes through the external opening, causing painful and frequent urination, blood in his urine, incontinence, and diarrhea. Rubble needs surgery to correct the position of his urethra Without surgery, Rubble’s condition couldprogress to strangulation and eventual necrosis of the protruding tissues…
Otis The Cat
Otis, a handsome tuxedo kitten from Iowa, has a deciduous (baby) tooth growing into his soft palette, causing him significant pain. Due to the tooth's location, his veterinarian referred Otis to a Speciality Veterinary Hospital because of the high risk of breaking Otis’s tiny jaw! However, Otis’s mom has exhausted her care credit account and cannot afford his surgery cost…
Alvin The Cat
Alvin, a pretty tabby from Iowa, was diagnosed with Glaucoma, a painful eye condition that causes a buildup of fluid in the eyeball that puts pressure on the optic nerve. Alvin has been treated for several months with eye drops and steroids; however, it has not significantly reduced the pressure. Alvin needs Enucleation surgery to remove the eye before it ruptures!