Cricket The Cat
Cricket, a handsome tabby from Pennsylvania, is experiencing a complete urinary blockage. He is currently hospitalized with a urinary catheter and is receiving IV fluids and medications to manage his condition. While Cricket’s kidneys were compromised, his levels are improving, and he is eating well. He will remain in the ICU until he is stable enough for surgery.
Active Date
Tuesday, February 4, 2024
Pets In Most Need
Cricket, a handsome tabby from Pennsylvania, is experiencing a complete urinary blockage. He is currently hospitalized with a urinary catheter and is receiving IV fluids and medications to manage his condition. While Cricket’s kidneys were compromised, his levels are improving, and he is eating well. He will remain in the ICU until he is stable enough for surgery.
Due to the severity of Cricket’s blockage, his veterinarian recommends Perineal Urethrostomy (PU) surgery to widen the urethra. However, Cricket’s medical expenses have already exceeded $1,000, and the estimated cost for the surgery ranges from $2,041.67 to $ $2,705.11.
His elderly dad has exhausted every last penny and borrowed from his mom, leaving him with only $500 for Cricket’s medical care so far, which falls short of the necessary funds.
Cricket and his two sisters were rescued after their feral mom abandoned them; they have a safe and loving home where they are cherished and well taken care of. The bond between Cricket and his dad captured the hearts of the staff at the veterinary hospital, who reached out to us for assistance.
We have made arrangements to raise the funds needed to cover the cost of Cricket’s life-saving veterinary care.
Can you help this handsome tabby boy return home to his dad and fur-sisters?
Cricket had life-saving surgery!
Cricket responded well to the treatment and had Perineal Urethrostomy (PU) surgery last week to widen the urethra to prevent another life-threatening blockage. The surgery went smoothly and Cricket is home recovering with his dad and fur-sisters.
Cricket will have a recheck and suture removal 10 days post-op. We will have more updates on Cricket soon!
Our heartfelt gratitude goes to our donors who helped this handsome tabby boy; we could not do this without you. YOU SAVED CRICKET'S LIFE!
Cricket has made a full recovery from surgery. He had a check-up and suture removal, and his surgeon is happy with his progress. Cricket will wear his cone for a few more days, but he is doing great. His dad said, “I will always be enormously grateful to you for everything. Thank you dearly.”