Munchie The Dog
An unfortunate accident has left Munchie's right eye severely injured. Munchie, a cute little pup from Pennsylvania, was roughhousing in the backyard with his fur sister Elsa when she accidentally stepped on Munchie’s face, and his eye popped out of its socket!
Active Date
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Pets In Most Need
An unfortunate accident has left Munchie's right eye severely injured. Munchie, a cute little pup from Pennsylvania, was roughhousing in the backyard with his fur sister Elsa when she accidentally stepped on Munchie’s face, and his eye popped out of its socket!
This condition is called Proptosis and the best chance to SAVE Munchie’s eye and preserve his vision is to perform surgery to reposition the globe into the orbit and temporarily close the eye with sutures.
Munchie was referred to an ophthalmologist who recommended surgery as quickly as possible. Munchie was sent home with a cone to prevent him from further damaging his eye and adequate pain medications since proptosis is a painful condition.
Unfortunately, if extensive damage has already occurred to the extra-ocular muscles or the globe, the eye may not be salvageable and will have to be removed.
Surgery has been estimated between $905.00 - 1,050.00. However, Munchie’s family is low-income, they have three children, and mom has been bravely battling a brain tumor. Munchie’s family is struggling to make ends meet on one income, and with mom’s mounting medical expenses, they can not afford Munchie’s surgery right now. They reached out to us desperately seeking help for their little guy.
Please can you help Munchie and relieve his family from more financial stress?
Time was of the essence to prevent further damage to Munchie's eye. We raised the funds last week for Munchie, and he had surgery on Monday. His ophthalmologist surgeon repositioned the globe back into the orbit and his eyelid was temporarily closed with sutures.
Munchie will have the sutures removed and a check-up 10 days post-op. Munchie is home and doing well. His mom said, “He seems ok. He’s eating and trying to play. Munchie doesn’t let anything stop him. Thank you again!”
Thank you to our incredible donor angels who SAVED Munchie's sight!
We will have more updates on Munchie soon.
Munchie has been given the all clear!
Munchie has fully recovered from surgery. He will wear his cone for a few more days, but his surgeon was happy with his progress. His mom said, ”He seems like he can still see out of that eye. I cannot thank you enough. You truly are an angel!”