What For The Love Of Alex Does…

We fund emergency and life-saving veterinary care for cats and dogs only. We do our due diligence in vetting applicants to protect our donors' interests. Pet owners must provide proof of their financial status through tax returns or other documentation to be approved as a beneficiary.

FTLOA pays veterinarians and pharmacies directly to ensure the pet receives the necessary veterinary care and prescribed nutrition.  

We Do Not…

  • Pay individuals directly.

  • Maintain an animal shelter.

  • Support routine pet care such as vaccinations, flea, tick, and heartworm prevention, or deworming.

  • Spay/neuter services unless it is life-threatening.

  • Pay for Cancer treatment, such as Chemotherapy or Radiation.

  • Fund breeders

Please note that we are a small nonprofit organization with limited funding. We receive over 100 applications a week. Therefore, we cannot accept every application submitted, though we wish we could. To be considered for funding, we require an in-depth online application process.

We currently support only one pet per household to ensure we can assist as many families as possible. This policy helps us extend our resources to more needy pet owners, allowing us to make a greater impact in the animal welfare community.

The first step is to complete the pre-application below. Your responses will be reviewed, and if we believe your pet’s case can be managed within our current caseload, you will be invited to fill out a complete application. At that point, more information will be requested, including proof of income and contact information for your veterinarian.

We encourage you to review the Additional Resources page below for other organizations that may also be able to help your pet.