Our Mission

For The Love Of Alex Inc. provides emergency funding for life-saving veterinary care of low-income families.

Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Hunter Cole The Dog

Hunter Cole is a beloved family member and service animal to a Veteran amputee. Unfortunately, Hunter has developed a Mass Cell tumor on his tail, and his veterinarian recommends amputating the tail to ensure that the cancer does not spread.

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Charlie The Dog

This heartwarming story of Charlie, the sweet little pup from Missouri, tugs at our heartstrings and highlights the importance of proper dental care for our furry friends. Charlie's broken tooth not only causes him pain but also puts him at risk of serious complications.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Bella The Dog

Sweet Bella isn’t feeling well. Bella has lost a lot of weight recently; she is lethargic, has been having accidents in the house, and has blood in her urine. At the very least, Bella will need an exam, urinalysis to check for a urinary tract infection, and bloodwork to see why she has lost so much weight.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Gordon The Dog

Little Gordon, the Kentucky pup, suddenly stopped eating and has been throwing up for three days. His mom noticed he wasn’t his usual spunky self and took him to the veterinary clinic. Diagnostic x-rays showed Gordon has a foreign object in his small intestines that has caused a blockage. Gordon needs surgery ASAP!

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Maggie and Sally The Dogs

Two beautiful fur-sisters desperately need your help. Maggie and Sally have been diagnosed with severe periodontal disease; they both need multiple extractions and thorough dental cleanings. These girls are all their mom has left of her late father.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Jax The Dog

Jax needs surgery ASAP! Jax, the Ohip pup, has a vast tumor pushing on his rib cage. X-rays were taken, and the mass has been aspirated and is not cancerous; however, Jax sleeps on his back because he is extremely uncomfortable.

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Sissy The Dog

A tragic accident has left Sissy with a damaged retina that is beyond repair. Despite all efforts to save Sissy’s sight, her Ophthalmologist, Veterinary Specialist recommends removing Sissy’s eye.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Baylor The Dog

Little Baylor has a massive tumor growing on his chest and neck. The mass has got so big that it affects Baylor’s quality of life. Baylor’s 74-year-old mom was able to pay for the tumor to get tested, and it is not cancerous; however, she cannot afford his surgery cost.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Sir Snuggles The Dog

Sir Snuggles had a tumor removed from his foot and has been battling an aggressive infection that has developed into Necrosis, and the bone is exposed. Sir Snuggles’ foot cannot be saved, and his veterinarian said the only course of treatment is to amputate his foot.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Khloe The Dog

Little Khloe’s mom noticed blood in her stool; she took Khloe to her veterinarian, and upon examination, they discovered a Rectal Adenomatous Polyp. Khloe needs surgery to remove the polyp before it gets so big that she cannot go to the bathroom properly.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Eris The Dog

Eris received funding from our Emergency Fund to help pay for her emergency surgery. Eris had fractured her leg, and her family was struggling financially and could not afford her surgery.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Matilda The Dog

Tiny Matilda was found in the middle of the street; she was malnourished and neglected. Matilda has a painful tumor on the base of her spine, and she is in dire need of dental cleaning with possible extractions.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Kane The Dog

Kane the North Carolina pup, has a painful tumor on his paw, his ears are infected, and he needs a dental cleaning. His family cannot afford his surgery as they are extremely low-income and face many other daily challenges.

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Maddie The Dog

Little Maddie is sick; she has been vomiting and has explosive bloody diarrhea. Maddie has been diagnosed with Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis, she is anemic and severely dehydrated, and if left untreated, Maddie will die.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Marley The Dog

Marley, the tiny pup, is in so much pain from his severe periodontal disease that he has stopped eating. His elderly mom is on disability and cannot afford his surgery; she is so scared Marley will die from the infection in his mouth.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Princess The Dog

Princess, the California pup, is so itchy. Her tiny little body is red raw and covered in sores from constantly biting and chewing at her beautiful coat and skin. She has a lump on the top of her tail that is painful to the touch.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Muffin The Dog

Muffin is his mom's only companion. Her husband passed away a few years ago, and she couldn’t imagine losing her adorable pup. Muffin has two softball-sized masses in his groin area that affect his ability to urinate properly.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Luna The Dog

This big, beautiful girl is sick. Luna has lost almost 30lbs in just a few months and she started eating pea gravel. She is not eating and is very lethargic. Her veterinarian suspects she has a blockage and possible autoimmune disease.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Mia The Dog

Mia is her daddy’s best friend forever; they go everywhere together. Mia has a mass that has grown enormous over the past year! This adorable pup loves to run and play but the tumor is robbing her from enjoying life.

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J The Dog

J suffers from terrible allergies that causes him to constantly scratch and rub his skin, and wheeze and cough. J hneeds life-changing monthly cytopoint injections to treat his condition. However, the injections cost $115 a month.

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