Princess The Dog
Princess, the California pup, is so itchy. Her tiny little body is red raw and covered in sores from constantly biting and chewing at her beautiful coat and skin. She has a lump on the top of her tail that is painful to the touch.
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Pets In Most Need
Princess, the California pup, is so itchy. Her tiny little body is red raw and covered in sores from constantly biting and chewing at her beautiful coat and skin. She has a a lump on the top of her tail that is painful to the touch. Her mom has done everything possible with over-the-counter treatments, but Princess's condition keeps getting worse. Princess needs to see a veterinarian ASAP!
Princess will need to be treated and sent home with medications, but we also need to get to the root of her problem. The cost for treatment may only be a few hundred dollars (we will not know until she is examined); however, when you are on benefits, that is extremely hard to come by. Princess's mom is a single mother raising a teenage son. She is struggling with the rise in day-to-day expenses and has recently hit hard times. Princess's mom cannot afford to take Princess to the vet; it is breaking her heart to see her sweet little girl like this.
Please can you help this little Princess get some much-needed relief?