Gordon The Dog
Little Gordon, the Kentucky pup, suddenly stopped eating and has been throwing up for three days. His mom noticed he wasn’t his usual spunky self and took him to the veterinary clinic. Diagnostic x-rays showed Gordon has a foreign object in his small intestines that has caused a blockage. Gordon needs surgery ASAP!
Active Date
Tuesday, October 17, 2023
Pets In Most Need
Little Gordon, the Kentucky pup, suddenly stopped eating and has been throwing up for three days. His mom noticed he wasn’t his usual spunky self and took him to the veterinary clinic. Diagnostic x-rays showed Gordon has a foreign object in his small intestines that has caused a blockage. Gordon needs surgery ASAP!
The Kentucky Humane Society, where Gordon’s mom adopted him, helped with his exam, x-rays, and bloodwork; however, Gordon’s mom is permanently disabled and lives on a fixed income. She cannot afford Gordon’s surgery, which has been estimated between $1800-2500.00.
This little guy means the world to his mom; she is devastated that this has happened to her, sweet Gordon. Please, can you help save Gordon with a donation today?