Muffin The Dog
Muffin is his mom's only companion. Her husband passed away a few years ago, and she couldn’t imagine losing her adorable pup. Muffin has two softball-sized masses in his groin area that affect his ability to urinate properly.
North Carolina
Active Date
Tuesday, May 17, 2022
Pets In Most Need
Muffin is his mom's only companion. Her husband passed away a few years ago, and she couldn’t imagine losing her adorable pup. Muffin has two softball-sized masses in his groin area that affect his ability to urinate properly. Muffin is very uncomfortable due to the location of the masses, and he is having accidents in the home.
Muffin was a tiny stray pup that his dad rescued from a family who could not take care of him properly. His elderly mom said, “Muffin has given me so much comfort and companionship over the years. I am all he has, and he is all I have.”
Surgery is costly; his mom is on disability and cannot afford Muffin’s surgery. Without surgery, Muffin could succumb to a dangerous urinary blockage.
Please can you help this sweet pup and his mom?