Sir Snuggles The Dog
Sir Snuggles had a tumor removed from his foot and has been battling an aggressive infection for weeks, which has caused Necrosis (gangrene) in his foot down to the bone. Sir Snuggles’ foot cannot be saved, and his veterinarian said the only course of treatment is to amputate it.
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Pets In Most Need
Sir Snuggles had a tumor removed from his foot and has been battling an aggressive infection for weeks, which has caused Necrosis (gangrene) in his foot down to the bone. Sir Snuggles’ foot cannot be saved, and his veterinarian said the only course of treatment is to amputate it.
Surgery has been estimated to be over $1500.00. Sir Snuggles' dad is low income; he has spent everything he had on Sir Snuggles' tumor removal surgery. He cannot afford another veterinary bill. Sir Snuggles' veterinarian has been treating his foot daily, cleaning the infection and bandaging it until his dad can secure funds for his surgery.
Sir Snuggles' dad said, “He loves people and little kids. He is very gentle, kind, and friendly. He loves to go for walks and run around the backyard.” He is my little buddy, and I hate to see him in pain.
This adorable little pup really needs your help today. Please, can you help save Sir Snuggles?