Our Mission

For The Love Of Alex Inc. provides emergency funding for life-saving veterinary care of low-income families.

Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Tanner The Cat

Tanner, a cute 10-month-old tabby kitten from Minnesota, started becoming picky about his food and was losing weight rapidly. Tanner was very lethargic and wasn't the spirited kitten he once was. The veterinarian's exam revealed that Tanner had a 104.6Β° fever, and bloodwork showed he was anorexic and had elevated protein and globulin counts.

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Speedy Jr The Cat

Something is wrong with Speedy Jr’s eye!

Speedy Jr, a 5-month-old kitten from Minnesota, has been suffering from chronic eye infections in his right eye. Speedy Jr. has been treated numerous times with anti-inflammatory and antibiotic ophthalmic drops however, nothing has relieved his symptoms.

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Miko The Minnesota Kitty

Miko, a sweet Minnesota kitty has been hospitalized 4 times in the last year with life-threatening urinary blockages despite a prescription urinary diet and anti-anxiety medication. The only permanent solution to SAVE Miko is Perineal Urethrostomy (PU) surgery; a surgical procedure that reconstructs the urethra to allow urine to pass through more easily. However, his mom has exhausted all of her funds and can not afford it…

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Squeaker The Cat

The Emergency Fund helped Squeaker recently with his urgent veterinary care. Squeaker, a handsome kitty from Minnesota was in pain; he was panting and pacing for 6 hours; he was very sick. Squeaker was going in and out of the litter box often but producing little urine. His elderly mom suspected a urinary tract infection and rushed him to a low-cost veterinary clinic...

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Frankie The Cat

Frankie, a beloved Minnesota furbaby was viciously attacked by a neighboring dog that had strayed and was seriously injured. Frankie enjoys going out for leashed walks with his mom in the back yard feeling the grass beneath his toes and watching the birds and butterflies, a sudden and unexpected turn of events has left him seriously injured.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Ava The Cat

This beautiful furbaby has been struggling with a chronic disease for years. Ava is only eight years old and was diagnosed with Idiopathic Megacolon, a painful condition that causes her colon to enlarge and become severely constipated.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

T-Rex The Cat

T-Rex, a handsome tuxedo kitty from Minnesota, has been battling a stubborn bladder stone for several months. Despite medications and following a prescription diet designed to dissolve bladder stones, T-Rex stone has grown, causing him discomfort, and it puts him at a higher risk for a life-threatening urethral obstruction.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Draco The Cat

This handsome Tuxedo kitty, Draco, hails from the beautiful state of Arizona. Despite his charming appearance, Draco is currently battling severe periodontal disease, which has caused him pain due to abscessed and rotten teeth.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Crook The Cat

Crook, a handsome Minnesota kitty, has been diagnosed with a degenerative condition known as Bilateral Physeal Dysplasia with Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis. This condition causes him pain and makes it difficult for him to bear weight and walk for long periods.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Liam The Cat

Liam, a Minnesota kitty, has been pawing at his face, and blood is coming out of his mouth. The right side of Liam’s mouth is swollen, and he is in pain. Liam is currently on antibiotics and pain medication but needs dental surgery ASAP!

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Cream The Cat

Cream was diagnosed with femoral head necrosis, a degenerative disease that is robbing him of a good quality of life. Cream's hip bone is decaying, and he needs hip replacement surgery.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Ronald The Cat

Ronald, the Minnesota kitty, fell from a deck three days ago and fractured his leg above the knee. This handsome ball of fluff urgently needs surgery! Due to the location of the break, his veterinarian recommends amputating his leg.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Maya The Cat

Maya, the six-month-old Minnesota kitten, was playing around at the top of the staircase when suddenly she slipped and fell two stories, shattering her hip. This sweet baby is in pain and needs Femoral Ostectomy surgery ASAP!

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Sammy The Cat

We have some sad news to share. 😿

We were recently contacted by an elderly gentleman from Minnesota. His 23-year-old kitty, Sammy, was not doing good. She was urinating blood, not eating, and had lost a lot of weight. Sammy's dad knew it was time to say goodbye to his sweet girl.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Sir Snuggles The Dog

Sir Snuggles had a tumor removed from his foot and has been battling an aggressive infection that has developed into Necrosis, and the bone is exposed. Sir Snuggles’ foot cannot be saved, and his veterinarian said the only course of treatment is to amputate his foot.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Bernadette The Cat

We have a sad story to share. Bernadette, the West Virginia kitty, was abandoned when her owners moved. A kind animal lover saw her outside in the cold; she was starving. He began feeding her to gain her trust and gave her a loving and safe home.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Leo The Cat

Handsome Leo, was doing zoomies and jumped off the kitchen counter top and landed awkwardly. His mom rushed him to the veterinary hospital and x-rays confirmed his tibia is fractured. Leo needs surgery ASAP!

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Achilles The Cat

Handsome Achilles was born in a shelter; his mother was feral when she was rescued. Achilles has a deformed back leg, his knee is backwards and as he has grown, it is causing him pain. Achilles’ leg needs to be amputated ASAP!

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Meiko The Cat

Meiko has been hospitalized with a urinary blockage for three days, and he has a urinary catheter placed. His veterinary bill is over $2300 so far, but his mom does not have the money for Meiko’s procedure.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Sen The Cat

Sen was found in a parking lot; she had been hit by a car! Sen was rescued and found a loving forever home. Sen has suddenly become very sick; diagnostic X-rays revealed she has a diaphragmatic hernia that is affecting her breathing.

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