Liam The Cat
Liam, a Minnesota kitty, has been pawing at his face, and blood is coming out of his mouth. The right side of Liam’s mouth is swollen, and he is in pain. Liam is currently on antibiotics and pain medication but needs dental surgery ASAP!
Active Date
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Pets In Most Need
Liam, a Minnesota kitty, has been pawing at his face, and blood is coming out of his mouth. The right side of his mouth is swollen, and he is in pain. Liam is currently on antibiotics and pain medication but needs dental surgery ASAP!
Liam has been diagnosed with severe periodontal disease. Depending on how many teeth need extracting, his surgery will cost between $783.00 and $965.62. Liam is 12-years- old; his veterinarian said that an in-depth dental cleaning will help prevent heart, liver, and kidney disease and ensure Liam can continue to live a good quality of life.
Liam’s mom receives just $1,112.00 a month in disability benefits; she cannot afford her sweet kitty's surgery. Liam was found in his mom’s neighbor's yard; he was a tiny kitten, and his eyes were not even open. Liam’s mom took him in, bottle-fed him, and he thrived in his furever home. She said, ”Liam is a very special boy. He loves to snuggle, give kisses, and play with his brother Milo, and he loves to talk and eat!! Liam is my world. He gives me unconditional love. He’s my baby.”
Please, can you help Liam live the rest of his life pain-free?