Meiko The Cat
Meiko has been hospitalized with a urinary blockage for three days, and he has a urinary catheter placed. His veterinary bill is over $2300 so far, but his mom does not have the money for Meiko’s procedure.
Active Date
Tuesday, May 24, 2022
Pets In Most Need
Meiko has been hospitalized with a urinary blockage for three days, and he has a urinary catheter placed. His veterinary bill is over $2300 so far, and his mom does not have the money for Meiko’s procedure.
Meiko is only 2 ½ years old, and with a urinary prescription diet to prevent future blockages, Meiko can live a long, happy, kitty cat life.
Meiko is a fun-loving kitty; ever since he was a tiny kitten, he loved to lay on his back with his paws in the air. He loves to snuggle on his mom's neck and suckle. Meiko is a beloved member of his small family, and a little girl is waiting for her kitty to come home.
Meiko’s family will have to surrender him to a shelter or a charity if we don’t help them. Please help this family get their beautiful kitty home safely.