Our Mission

For The Love Of Alex Inc. provides emergency funding for life-saving veterinary care of low-income families.

Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Lisa and Nala

Two furbabies urgently need assistance with the cost of their life-saving surgeries. Lisa, a sweet little pup from Kentucky, has a large growth on her stomach, while Nala, a beautiful kitty from Tennessee, suffers from a rare skin condition that necessitates the complete removal of both ears.

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Lisa The Dog

Sweet little Lisa from Kentucky has a massive tumor on her belly; the tumor is so large that is affecting her ability to walk normally. Lisa was surrendered to a shelter after her mom suddenly passed away. None of her mom’s family members wanted her but luckily, Lisa was adopted quickly and found a new loving furever home.

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Buster The Dog

Buster’s story will break your heart! Buster, a brave 5-year-old Australian Shepard from Texas, has four holes in the roof of his mouth that cause chronic infections and could lead to aspiration pneumonia. Buster needs specialty surgery to repair his palate so he can lead a normal pup life. Buster and his brother Chuka were rescued from a severely neglectful situation.

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Izzy The Dog

Izzy, a cute little dachshund from Oregon, has a nasty infection in her mouth, her breath smells bad and it is painful for her to eat her kibble. Izzy’s mom has been softening her food with warm water to help but Izzy needs surgery to remove multiple teeth and three small growths on her chest.

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Thor and Munchie

An adorable Arizona kitty and a cute little Pennsylvania pup urgently need surgery! Thor has a tumor growing in his armpit and little Munchie’s eyeball popped out of its socket!

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Munchie The Dog

An unfortunate accident has left Munchie's right eye severely injured. Munchie, a cute little pup from Pennsylvania, was roughhousing in the backyard with his fur sister Elsa when she accidentally stepped on Munchie’s face, and his eye popped out of its socket!

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Molly And Mariam

Molly and Mariam are in dire need of help! They both suffer from painful oral disease and need surgical tooth extractions. When a pet develops oral disease, it increases bacteria within the mouth and oral tissues. This bacteria can enter the bloodstream and travel to other areas within the body, causing liver or kidney disease. Both surgeries offer these precious furbabies a longer, healthier, and pain-free future.

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Molly The Dog

This precious little Oregon pup, Molly, has multiple infectious teeth that need surgical removal. Molly’s face is swollen, and it’s painful for her to eat. Molly hasn’t had a good life; she was abandoned in an apartment after the owners just packed up and moved!

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

The Emergency Fund helped Millie πŸš‘

The Emergency Fund helped Millie, a beautiful pup from Texas, who had torn her cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) in her back right leg. A CCL is a connective tissue that connects the shin bone to the thigh bone and stabilizes the knee. A torn CCL is a serious injury that can limit a dog's mobility…

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Rubble The Dog

This adorable Texas pup, Rubble, has been diagnosed with a prolapsed urethra, a condition where the tail end of the urethra protrudes through the external opening, causing painful and frequent urination, blood in his urine, incontinence, and diarrhea. Rubble needs surgery to correct the position of his urethra Without surgery, Rubble’s condition couldprogress to strangulation and eventual necrosis of the protruding tissues…

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

You Can Save Two Lives Today! πŸˆπŸ•

Melee, a beautiful Calico kitty from Texas, has been struggling with painful bladder stones that have irritated her urinary tract, causing chronic urinary tract infections and bleeding.

Ziggy, a cute little pup from upstate New York, was β€œzooming” around with his fur brother Ollie when he jumped off the fell couch and landed awkwardly, partially tearing his cranial cruciate ligament (Knee).

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Ziggy The Dog

Ziggy, a cute little pup from upstate New York, was β€œzooming” around with his fur brother Ollie when he jumped off the couch and landed awkwardly. His mom heard him yelp and found Ziggy was not putting weight on his back left leg. Ziggy’s elderly parents rushed him to the local veterinary clinic, and x-rays revealed that Ziggy had a partial tear in his cranial cruciate ligament (Knee)…

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Hudson The Dog

Hudson, an adorable New Jersey puggle has at least 12 painful bladder stones that are causing him to urinate blood, have accidents in the home, and his abdomen is swollen and tender to the touch. Hudson needs surgery to remove the stones ASAP! However, his elderly parents can not afford it...

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Mance The Dog

The Emergency Fund recently helped a handsome pup from New Hampshire. Mance was diagnosed with Lyme and Anaplasmosis disease; tick-borne diseases that can affect dogs and have similar symptoms. Both diseases can cause lethargy, pain, and fever...

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Toasty The Dog

Toasty a very handsome pup from Pennsylvania has a tumor growing on the back of his right wrist. This tumor is causing him to limp and it is painful to the touch. His mom took him to the Humane Society clinic, where they recommended surgically removing the tumor.

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Toto The Dog

This adorable little pup Toto from Massachusetts has a cancerous tumor growing at the base of his tail; due to the location his veterinarian recommends amputating the entire tail; this will ensure that the cancer can not spread. Toto has 3 smaller growths that need removing from his back, side, and head.

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Kitty The Dog

Kitty, a sweet little pup from Texas suffered blunt force trauma to her eye from running into something sharp like a stick that caused displacement of the lens in the anterior chamber of her left eye. Kitty needs a surgical procedure to restore her vision and relieve her pain.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Lilly The Dog

Sweet little Lilly was walking along a trail when she was viciously attacked by three stray dogs. She sustained multiple puncture wounds on her neck, head, and back. Although her mom has been cleaning the wounds, they have become infected, and it is apparent that Lilly needs veterinary intervention.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Otto The Dog

A disabled Army veteran’s service dog needs oral surgery. Otto is a very important pup, he is an ADA Certified Service Pet that helps his dad manage his Department of Veterans Affairs Service-Connected Disability. Otto has been diagnosed with Gingival hyperplasia a condition caused by excessive growth or thickening of the gum tissue.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Nugget The Dog

Nugget, a little pup from North Carolina, suffered a serious injury while out for a walk with her mom and furry companion. Without warning, Nugget leaped off the curb and into the path of an oncoming car. The car accidentally clipped Nugget's leg, causing her to yelp in pain. Her mom quickly pulled her back onto the sidewalk, but Nugget had sustained a significant injury to her leg.

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