Kitty The Dog

Kitty, a sweet little pup from Texas suffered blunt force trauma to her eye from running into something sharp like a stick that caused displacement of the lens in the anterior chamber of her left eye. Kitty needs a surgical procedure to restore her vision and relieve her pain.


Active Date

Tuesday, July 9, 2024


Pets In Most Need


Kitty, a sweet little pup from Texas suffered blunt force trauma to her eye from running into something sharp like a stick that caused displacement of the lens in the anterior chamber of her left eye. Kitty needs a surgical procedure to restore her vision and relieve her pain.

Lens luxation, or displacement, occurs when the lens tears free of its zonular fibrous attachments. A displaced lens can also cause glaucoma, resulting in a buildup of intraocular pressure which will cause irreversible damage to the eye if left untreated. A highly skilled veterinary ophthalmic surgeon will need to perform the surgery.

Surgery has been estimated between $3,420.00 and 4,500.00; Kitty’s mom is low-income and cannot afford this and it’s breaking her heart to see her sweet little girl in pain.

Kitty was a gift to her mom when she was a teenager; they have grown up together and their bond is unbreakable with shared memories and moments that have stood the test of time. Balancing the responsibilities of part-time work with a commitment to furthering her education reflects her unwavering determination to build a better life for herself and Kitty!

Kitty is just 11 years old; she has many more good years left to give her mom love and companionship. Please, can you help restore Kitty’s sight and live pain-free?


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