Lisa The Dog
Sweet little Lisa from Kentucky has a massive tumor on her belly; the tumor is so large that is affecting her ability to walk normally. Lisa was surrendered to a shelter after her mom suddenly passed away. None of her mom’s family members wanted her but luckily, Lisa was adopted quickly and found a new loving furever home.
Active Date
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Pets In Most Need
Sweet little Lisa from Kentucky has a massive tumor on her belly; the tumor is so large that is affecting her ability to walk normally. Lisa was surrendered to a shelter after her mom suddenly passed away. None of Lisa’s mom’s family members wanted her but luckily, Lisa was adopted quickly and found a new loving furever home.
Due to the size and location of the tumor, she will need a full mastectomy, a surgical procedure to remove mammary glands in dogs. It is a common treatment for mammary tumors, which are malignant or benign growths. Though mammary tumors are usually found in intact females, Lisa was not spayed until she was surrendered to the shelter; which may have contributed to the development of the abnormal growth.
Surgery has been estimated between $1,334.87-1,664.87.
Lisa’s mom is a senior citizen living on a fixed income (SSA), and this surgery is far beyond her means. This tumor has prevented Lisa from playing with her furry friends at the doggie park. Lisa is around 6 years old; removing the tumor will give her a second chance to enjoy the rest of her life!
Please, can you help sweet little Lisa?