Buster The Dog

Buster’s story will break your heart! Buster, a brave 5-year-old Australian Shepard from Texas, has four holes in the roof of his mouth that cause chronic infections and could lead to aspersion pneumonia. Buster needs specialty surgery to repair his palate so he can lead a normal pup life. Buster and his brother Chuka were recused from a severely neglectful situation.

Active Date

Tuesday, February 25, 2025


Pets In Most Need


Buster’s story will break your heart! Buster, a brave 5-year-old Australian Shepard from Texas, has four holes in the roof of his mouth that cause chronic infections and could lead to aspiration pneumonia. Buster needs specialty surgery to repair his palate so he can lead a normal pup life.

Buster and his brother Chuka were rescued from a severely neglectful situation on September 9th, 2024. Other than Buster being neutered, neither dog had ever seen a vet. They lived on a porch full of trash and debris (even though Buster is blind and has difficulty navigating), and they were never allowed inside. Their previous owner told their rescuer that he was “not a dog person and never wanted the dogs; whenever they come up to me and look hungry, I just put some food on the ground."

Chuka, just 6 months old, was hit by a car and suffered a broken leg; he received no medical care and his leg healed incorrectly. Thankfully, his furever mom was able to pay for his surgery and save his leg. Unfortunately, Buster's story is much more complicated. Buster is blind because he was allowed to chase and catch exploding fireworks (per his previous owner, “he just liked to chase them.”)

His jaw had a constant tic, and his gums were extremely pale. Buster had multiple parasites and worms that had caused anemia and mineral deficiencies. Most of his teeth were missing, loose, or shattered. Buster also has lasting neurological effects after suffering distemper as a puppy. Buster’s veterinarian was amazed he survived without any veterinary care during his early years.

Buster began to heal with medication, proper nutrition, and lots of love. He discovered the joy of a soft bed, belly rubs, and regular meals. However, X-rays revealed that he had a broken bone in his nose and it was floating in his snout. Buster had surgery to remove the bone, and his surgeon discovered three teeth were pushed through his palate into his sinus cavity. Buster had all but two of his teeth removed; he had been living in SUCH CONSTANT PAIN!

His mom said, “We were so grateful for his resilience. Buster is a fighter, though. He took it like a champ and with that silly smile of his! I have done everything I can to help both Buster and Chuka. I have worked extra shifts. I have exhausted my bank account and maxed out my care credit to cover the costs of his and Chuka's surgeries. I have Buster-proofed my home for his safety. But after spending over $6,000 on surgeries and ongoing medical care for both Buster and Chuka, I'm struggling to afford the necessary surgery for Buster. I know many people reach out for help, but I truly believe Buster deserves a second chance. Buster has never had a happy, HEALTHY life, and I want to do everything I can to give him the future he deserves.”

Buster’s surgery has been estimated at over $4,000.00; this pup has survived so much; and despite the abuse he suffered; he has learned to trust and love hoomans. Please can you help Buster live the life he deserves?



Tanner The Cat


Izzy The Dog