Toto The Dog
This adorable little pup Toto from Massachusetts has a cancerous tumor growing at the base of his tail; due to the location his veterinarian recommends amputating the entire tail; this will ensure that the cancer can not spread. Toto has 3 smaller growths that need removing from his back, side, and head.
Active Date
Monday, August 19, 2024
Pets In Most Need
This adorable little pup Toto from Massachusetts has a cancerous tumor growing at the base of his tail; due to the location his veterinarian recommends amputating the entire tail; this will ensure that the cancer can not spread. Toto has 3 smaller growths that need removing from his back, side, and head.
Toto is an important family member; he is an unofficial service pet to a little hooman with diabetes; Toto can detect changes in blood sugar levels and alerts his mom before it becomes an emergency. Totoโs presence is a blessing to this family; giving โgreater independence and improved quality of life for his little person.
The tail amputation surgery, bloodwork, and 3 small tumor removals have been estimated between $2,849.10 - 3,463.10. Totoโs mom is temporarily out of work due to an injury; she can not afford Totoโs surgery right now; but time is of the essence; Toto needs this surgery ASAP!
Totoโs mom secured some funding from another local non-profit organization however; she is approximately $1,000 short of the total cost and asked us if we could cover the rest of the balance.
Please, help this little guy get the surgery he desperately needs so he can continue to support his family.