Our Mission

For The Love Of Alex Inc. provides emergency funding for life-saving veterinary care of low-income families.

Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Jay The Cat

WE ARE HELPING JAY GET BACK ON HIS PAWS! An unfortunate accident left Jay, a 10-month-old kitten from Ohio, with an injury. While Jay’s mom was bringing in the groceries, Jay tried to sneak out the door.

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

River The Cat

River, a 9-month-old kitten from Oregon, needs surgery to repair a huge umbilical cord hernia. River was adopted from a shelter when she was 8 weeks old, and she appeared to be healthy.

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Lisa The Dog

Sweet little Lisa from Kentucky has a massive tumor on her belly; the tumor is so large that is affecting her ability to walk normally. Lisa was surrendered to a shelter after her mom suddenly passed away. None of her mom’s family members wanted her but luckily, Lisa was adopted quickly and found a new loving furever home.

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Nala The Cat

Nala was misdiagnosed! Nala, a beautiful 10-year-old kitty from Tennessee, has been suffering from chronic itchy ears for months. Her ears constantly bleed, from her scratching the scabs. Her mom has spent hundreds of dollars on her veterinary care. She was treated for ear mites, fleas, mange, yeast, and bacterial infections with topical treatments, antibiotics, and steroids to no avail. Desperate to ease her sweet girl’s pain, Nala’s mom sought a second opinion.

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Moon Did It Again!πŸ™€

MOON DID IT AGAIN! We helped Moon, a kitty from New Jersey, in 2022 after he became extremely sick. Moon had a life-threatening intestinal blockage and needed surgery ASAP! Once in surgery, Moon's surgeon discovered that Moon had eaten rubber bracelets. Last week, we received a desperate plea from Moon's mom.

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Tiger The Cat

Tiger, a beautiful orange girl from Colorado, was badly injured after escaping outside. Her mom found her hiding under a bush. She was filthy and dragging her back leg. Her mom immediately took her to a 24-hour Emergency Clinic, and X-rays revealed that Tiger had hyperextended her metatarsals and tarsals (ankle joint), possibly caused by a fall.

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Tanner The Cat

Tanner, a cute 10-month-old tabby kitten from Minnesota, started becoming picky about his food and was losing weight rapidly. Tanner was very lethargic and wasn't the spirited kitten he once was. The veterinarian's exam revealed that Tanner had a 104.6Β° fever, and bloodwork showed he was anorexic and had elevated protein and globulin counts.

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Buster The Dog

Buster’s story will break your heart! Buster, a brave 5-year-old Australian Shepard from Texas, has four holes in the roof of his mouth that cause chronic infections and could lead to aspiration pneumonia. Buster needs specialty surgery to repair his palate so he can lead a normal pup life. Buster and his brother Chuka were rescued from a severely neglectful situation.

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Momo The Cat

Momo; a stunning kitty from Arizona, was diagnosed with Necrotizing myopathy (NM) a rare autoimmune disease that causes muscle weakness and atrophy. Momoβ€˜s left femur bone was fractured from a slight fall jumping from the ottoman to the couch. Momo needs Femoral head osteotomy (FHO) surgery; however, his mom cannot afford it.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Max The Cat

Max needs help with the cost of his expensive prescription diet to prevent another life-threatening urinary blockage.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Miko The Cat

Miko's mom needs help with the expensive prescription diet Miko needs to treat his Feline Idiopathic Cystitis condition, which causes painful inflammation of the bladder. The cost for Miko's prescription diet is $110.00 a month.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Khaleesi The Cat

Something was wrong with Khaleesi, she has lost a lot of weight over the last 7 months. We helped with diagnostic testing and Khaleesi was diagnosed with Diabetes. Khaleesi needs insulin and an expensive prescription diet to manage her condition. Can you help feed Khaleesi?

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Benjamin Bachman Benjamin Bachman

Kilo The Cat

Kilo had a life-threatening urinary blockage and bladder tear. We helped with his surgery; but Kilo needs an expensive prescription urinary diet to prevent future blockages. Can you help feed Kilo?

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