Moon Did It Again!πŸ™€

Active Date

Friday, March 14, 2025


Pets In Most Need


Moon Did It Again! We helped Moon, a kitty from New Jersey, in 2022 after he became extremely sick. Moon had a life-threatening intestinal blockage and needed surgery ASAP! Once in surgery, Moon's surgeon discovered that Moon had eaten rubber bracelets. The highly skilled surgeon was able to remove the contents from his intestines and repair the damage. Moon made a full recovery!

Last week, we received a desperate plea from Moon's mom. She said, "He did it again! He ate something he shouldn't. I "Mooned-proofed" my house, and he has been good for 3 years. He's so sick. Please, can you help us again?"

We paid a $5,000.00 deposit and got Moon immediately into the Emergency Hospital that night. Moon was extremely dehydrated and weak; the veterinarian wanted to get Moon stabilized before performing surgery. He was given IV fluids and pain medication overnight. The next day, Moon had vastly improved and had surgery.

Once under anesthesia, his surgeon found that Moon had ingested stems from an artificial Christmas tree! The spiky leaves had perforated his intestines in 4 places. How Moon had survived this long was truly a MIRACLE! πŸ™

Moon is home and doing well. His mom said, "I am never putting up a tree ever again! He is eating well and acts like nothing happened. I don't understand why he did this again. Thank you so much. I have no words. Mr. Moonie is special indeed."

The total cost of Moon's surgery was an astronomical $8,106.26 due to the damage done to his intestines. Luckily, we had funds in the Emergency Fund to cover the balance; however, we need help refilling the fund to help other pets in need. If you can help with a donation today, please donate to the Emergency Fund.



Nala The Cat


Tiger The Cat