Max The Cat
Max needs help with the cost of his expensive prescription diet to prevent another life-threatening urinary blockage.
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Pets In Most Need
Max had two fractures in his jaw from blunt force trauma. We helped with Maxβs surgery, and he recovered. However, a few months later, Max had a life-threatening urinary blockage. Again, we helped Max receive the medical care he desperately needed.
Hereβs what happened. Max escaped from home while his mom was bringing in the groceries. Max did not go outside unsupervised; his mom was so worried about him because he is not street-wise. His mom stayed up all night frantically trying to find her handsome boy, but he didn't come home.
Max finally returned home the following day; his tongue was extremely swollen, and blood was coming from his nose and mouth. Maxβs mom rushed him to the emergency veterinary hospital; x-rays revealed that his jaw was fractured in two places.
His mom thought Max had been hit by a car, but his veterinarian believes that he was kicked or suffered some other form of blunt trauma to the head. Max is lucky, all his vitals were normal, and the X-rays did not show any other injuries to his body.
Max needed surgery to place a wire in his jaw. Surgery was been estimated at $1,985.55 - $2,056.05. Maxβs mom is very low-income; she was mortified that her handsome boy was severely injured and could not afford his surgery. Maxβs mom syringe-feed him baby food and soupy canned cat food, he was on pain medication, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatory medications, but Max needed surgery ASAP!