Our Mission

For The Love Of Alex Inc. provides emergency funding for life-saving veterinary care of low-income families.

Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

The Emergency Fund is currently helping Rambo

The EMERGENCY FUND is currently helping this poor kitty! πŸ†˜

Rambo was found wandering around an apartment complex; a kind animal lover noticed his face looked swollen and he could not close his mouth. Rambo was super friendly, and she took him home. Upon closer examination, she could see Rambo was in dire shape.

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Molly And Mariam

Molly and Mariam are in dire need of help! They both suffer from painful oral disease and need surgical tooth extractions. When a pet develops oral disease, it increases bacteria within the mouth and oral tissues. This bacteria can enter the bloodstream and travel to other areas within the body, causing liver or kidney disease. Both surgeries offer these precious furbabies a longer, healthier, and pain-free future.

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Mariam The Cat

Mariam, a beautiful 10-year-old kitty from northern California, was diagnosed with Stomatitis. Stomatitis causes severe inflammation in the mouth and affects the gums, lips, tongue, as well as the roof and floor of a cat’s mouth. Stomatitis is painful and debilitating…

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Einstein The Cat

This adorable orange kitty, Einstein, hails from California. Despite his charming appearance, poor Einstein is currently suffering from severe periodontal disease, which is causing him pain due to abscesses and rotten teeth. At just 8 years old; this surgery holds the promise of not only relieving his pain but also extending his life significantly.

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Poncho The Cat

Poncho, a handsome kitty from California, has a huge growth on his back right paw, causing him discomfort and hindering his ability to walk properly. The growth has grown significantly over the past few months. As a result, Poncho's veterinarian has recommended surgically removing it.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Loki The Cat

Handsome Loki is hospitalized with a deadly urinary blockage; he currently has a urinary catheter and he is being administered Intravenous fluids to help flush the crystals out of his bladder and urethra.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Fortune The Cat

FORTUNE'S STORY IS TRULY HEARTBREAKING πŸ’”, but knowing he has found a loving home after such a difficult start in life is heartwarming. Fortune was rescued from an unsafe household; he had been severely neglected, and due to lack of proper nutrition, he developed a painful oral disease.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Princess The Dog

Princess, the California pup, is so itchy. Her tiny little body is red raw and covered in sores from constantly biting and chewing at her beautiful coat and skin. She has a lump on the top of her tail that is painful to the touch.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Finn The Cat

Finn and his sister Violet were tiny kittens found outside fending for themselves, they cried for help, and an angel appeared and took them in. Over the last few months, Finn’s eyes started having discharge, and they became very irritated.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Perseus The Cat

Perseus has an aural hematoma in his right ear, his ear has swollen to 3 times its normal size and is very painful. His mom is on permanent disability and cannot afford to take Perseus to the veterinarian for treatment.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Simon The Cat

Simon brings his elderly, disabled mom such joy. Orphaned as a young kitten, Simon had to be bottle fed. Simon has been living the good life for 6 years, however recently his mom noticed that Simon wasn’t eating much and he was drooling.

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Benjamin Bachman Benjamin Bachman

Dolly The Dog

Dolly sustained an injury to her back left leg. The x-rays revealed that Dolly has a spiral break and needs surgery. Her mom is on government assistance caring for her 4 younger siblings and cannot afford the surgery.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Stony The Cat

Good News!

Stony the kitten had surgery Monday June 14, 2021 to repair a diaphragmatic hernia. The surgery went well. Thank you to everyone that donated to save her life.

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