Simon The Cat
imon brings his elderly, disabled mom such joy. Orphaned as a young kitten, Simon had to be bottle fed. Simon has been living the good life for 6 years, however recently his mom noticed that Simon wasn’t eating much and he was drooling.
Active Date
Monday, January 17, 2022
Pets In Most Need
Simon brings his elderly, disabled mom such joy. Orphaned as a young kitten, Simon had to be bottle fed. Simon has been living the good life for 6 years, however recently his mom noticed that Simon wasn’t eating much and was drooling. A check up at the local veterinary clinic revealed that Simon has advanced periodontal disease.
Simon’s gums are inflamed and are showing signs of infection. Simon will need a thorough dental cleaning and possibly some teeth will need to be extracted. We will not know the full extent of his oral health condition until he has a dental cleaning.
Without a thorough dental cleaning, Simon's overall quality of life could be affected long term. Poor oral health can lead to tooth loss, pain, bad breath and organ damage.
Can you help Simon and his mom?