Smokey The Cat
Smokey, an abandoned Oregon kitty, was rescued by his forever dad after being viciously attacked by a raccoon. Smokey had some open wounds that were infected and was treated by a veterinarian who also diagnosed him with an eye condition called Entropion. This condition causes his eyelids to turn inwards, irritating the cornea, and can lead to blindness if left untreated.
Active Date
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Pets In Most Need
Smokey, an abandoned Oregon kitty, was rescued by his forever dad after being viciously attacked by a raccoon. Smokey had some open wounds that were infected and was treated by a veterinarian who also diagnosed him with an eye condition called Entropion. This condition causes his eyelids to turn inwards, irritating the cornea, and can lead to blindness if left untreated. Smokey's eyes are getting worse, and he is plagued with infections, so he needs a surgical procedure to trim his eyelids to prevent further damage to his eyes.
Entropion is most commonly caused by the Feline Herpesvirus-1 (FHV-1). In these cases, eyelid conformation is normal at birth, but entropion develops later, usually after chronic ocular irritation or severe upper respiratory infections.
Smokey's dad is 78 years old and lives on social security. Although he has been able to pay for Smokey's medical care so far, he cannot afford the cost of his life-changing surgery. Surgery has been estimated between $889.60 - 989.60. Smokey's dad said, "Smokey's a super nice cat and gets along with my other cat. I hate to see him suffer, and I don't know how people abandon animals like this. This is the only way I can afford to help Smokey."
Can you please help sweet Smokey and his elderly dad today?