Wawa The Cat
This poor little kitty was maimed and desperately needs our help! Wawa’s mom took in an unaltered female kitty from a friend. She is low-income and could not afford to get Wawa spayed right away. Last month, she obtained a spay/neuter voucher from her local humane society, and Wawa was fixed.
Active Date
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Pets In Most Need
This poor little kitty was maimed and desperately needs our help! Wawa’s mom took in an unaltered female kitty from a friend. She is low-income and could not afford to get Wawa spayed right away. Last month, she obtained a spay/neuter voucher from her local humane society, and Wawa was fixed.
Though the voucher helped with some of the cost, her mom had to pay an additional $170.00, which included a green line tattoo that the low-cost clinic required. This green line is a sterilization indicator tattoo; it is a universal indication that your pet has been sterilized with reproductive organs removed.
A few days after surgery, Wawa started having complications; the tattoo area became very red and swollen, there was a smelly discharge coming from the tattoo, and Wawa was limping!
Her mom rushed Wawa to a private veterinary clinic; upon examining the area, the veterinarian found that the tattoo had been gouged too profoundly and was infected. What is more terrible is the exam revealed that one of Wawa’s toes had been accidentally half-cut off! This poor little kitty is missing part of a digit, and it now needs amputation.
Wawa underwent laser treatments to help the tattoo area heal, and she was given antibiotics and pain medications at an additional $377.00 cost to her mom.
Wawa’s mom is devastated; she said, “I was doing the right thing getting Wawa spayed, and now she needs another surgery. I am on permanent disability and have spent over $547.00 so far, and Wawa’s toe surgery has been estimated to be over $700.00. I just don't have it. I can't afford this; I still need food to eat. Please, can you help us?”
Wawa’s story is absolutely tragic; unfortunately, no one has owned up to their mistakes, which is something we will try to help her mom with. However, our main concern right now is getting Wawa the surgery she desperately needs.
If you can help this poor little tortie, please donate today.