Sweet Smokey had eyelid surgery and is doing well post-op. πŸ’™

Smokey had surgery on Wednesday to correct a painful condition called Entropian; that caused his eyelids to turn inwards; his eyelashes and hair rubbed his cornea and without surgery, Smokey would have gone blind.

Smokey’s surgeon removed a small elliptical wedge of skin and fur near his eyelid margin. By removing a wedge of tissue, the eyelid flips down into a normal position and no longer rolls onto his eye.

Smokey was able to go home the same day. He will have a recheck in 10-14 days. Smokey's medical bill was $568.00 more than quoted; due to having no previous history on Smokey's medical care; his veterinarian ran pre-surgical bloodwork, FIV/FELV test, and updated his vaccinations. Smokey was sent home with antibiotic eye ointment and pain medication.

The additional cost was paid for from our Emergency Fund.

Smokey’s elderly dad said, β€œSmokey is doing great, he’s a fighter and he’s going to be good now. Everyday he looks better! Thank you for your love and care.”

We will have more updates on Smokey’s recovery soon!


Little Max has made a full recovery! 🐢
