Our Mission

For The Love Of Alex Inc. provides emergency funding for life-saving veterinary care of low-income families.

Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Mance The Dog

The Emergency Fund recently helped a handsome pup from New Hampshire. Mance was diagnosed with Lyme and Anaplasmosis disease; tick-borne diseases that can affect dogs and have similar symptoms. Both diseases can cause lethargy, pain, and fever...

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Squeaker The Cat

The Emergency Fund helped Squeaker recently with his urgent veterinary care. Squeaker, a handsome kitty from Minnesota was in pain; he was panting and pacing for 6 hours; he was very sick. Squeaker was going in and out of the litter box often but producing little urine. His elderly mom suspected a urinary tract infection and rushed him to a low-cost veterinary clinic...

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Gomez The Cat

Cutie Pie Gomez has been diagnosed with a painful eye condition called Entropian that caused his eyelids to grow inward, leading to a cornea ulcer in his left eye. While he is currently receiving ophthalmic medications to manage the pain and pressure, the only long-term solution lies in corrective surgery. Without surgery, Gomez's eyesight hangs in the balance, and the prospect of losing his vision looms ominously.

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Whisky The Cat

Whisky, an adorable furbaby from Arizona has a tumor growing in his front right paw pad, which is causing him pain and hindering his ability to walk properly. Unfortunately, due to the tumor’s location, Whisky’s veterinary surgeon recommends amputating one of his toes to excise the tumor completely.

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Snickers The Cat

Snickers, a beautiful and dainty princess kitty from Michigan, is currently facing health issues that are causing concern among her elderly parents. Known for her playful and entertaining nature, Snickers has captured the hearts of her family with her acrobatic performances and charismatic personality.

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Deirdre The Cat

Deirdre, a beautiful dilute calico from Virginia, has broken an upper canine at the gum line which has exposed the pulp, or soft tissue at the center of her tooth. This kind of tooth injury can be quite painful and her veterinarian is concerned that the tooth could become infected and recommends extracting it.

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Kitty The Dog

Kitty, a sweet little pup from Texas suffered blunt force trauma to her eye from running into something sharp like a stick that caused displacement of the lens in the anterior chamber of her left eye. Kitty needs a surgical procedure to restore her vision and relieve her pain.

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Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Poncho The Cat

Poncho, a handsome kitty from California, has a huge growth on his back right paw, causing him discomfort and hindering his ability to walk properly. The growth has grown significantly over the past few months. As a result, Poncho's veterinarian has recommended surgically removing it.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Hawi The Cat

Hawi, a handsome kitty from Hawaii has been suffering from painful bladder stones that cause him to have accidents around the home and he is urinating blood. Hawi’s symptoms have been treated with medications and a prescription diet for 6 months however, the stones have not dissolved and his veterinarian recommends a Cystotomy procedure to remove the stones permanently.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Princess The Cat

Princess, a 9-year-old kitty from Florida is not feeling well; she is lethargic, has some swelling in her back legs, and is always hungry. Princess is also drinking and peeing a lot. Princess’s Mom is disabled and confined to a wheelchair she receives a small monthly disability check to cover necessities and is terrified that Princess is going to need expensive veterinary care that she can not afford.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Umusa The Cat


We helped Umusa last year with his allergies; he had lost hair on the back of his ears, had scabs on his head and body from scratching himself, and was losing his whiskers. We helped pay for an exam, and Umusa was treated by his veterinarian with allergy medications; however, the medicines did little to relieve his itchiness.

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