Cloud The Cat
Cloud was born in a garage; his mom was a feral kitty who disappeared shortly after giving birth. Cloud entered the world with a twisted leg and quickly developed an eye infection, leaving him weak and struggling to survive. Fortunately, a compassionate animal lover welcomed Cloud and his siblings into her home, and they all thrived.
Active Date
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
Pets In Most Need
Cloud was born in a garage; his mom was a feral kitty who disappeared shortly after giving birth. Cloud entered the world with a twisted leg and quickly developed an eye infection, leaving him weak and struggling to survive. Fortunately, a compassionate animal lover welcomed Cloud and his siblings into her home, and they all thrived.
Cloudβs siblings eventually found loving homes, but no one wanted this special needs kitten. Cloud was treated with antibiotics for the infection in his eye. However, his eye never healed, and now he has an open eye socket. His rescuer and furever mom diligently cleans his eye daily to prevent another bacterial infection.
Though Cloud can get around with his deformed leg, it often gets caught on furniture, and his mom worries that he will hurt himself more.
Cloudβs veterinarian recommends amputating the deformed limb and closing up his eye socket completely. Both procedures can be done simultaneously and have been estimated at a very reasonable price of $800-1000; however, his mom cannot afford it. She receives government assistance to help with her monthly bills, but that only helps cover day-to-day necessities.
Cloud is only nine months old; he is still a baby. Your donation today will make a huge difference to Cloudβs quality of life! Can you please help this sweet boy today?