Umusa The Cat
We helped Umusa last year with his allergies; he had lost hair on the back of his ears, had scabs on his head and body from scratching himself, and was losing his whiskers. We helped pay for an exam, and Umusa was treated by his veterinarian with allergy medications; however, the medicines did little to relieve his itchiness.
Active Date
Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Pets In Most Need
DO YOU REMEMBER UMUSA, the New York Kitty?
We helped Umusa last year with his allergies; he had lost hair on the back of his ears, had scabs on his head and body from scratching himself, and was losing his whiskers. We helped pay for an exam, and Umusa was treated by his veterinarian with allergy medications; however, the medicines did little to relieve his itchiness.
Umusa was referred to a veterinary dermatologist for more in-depth allergy testing.
The tests were costly. An Allergen Panel, blood work, and the dermatology examination totaled $1036.00, something his mom could not afford. We helped with the cost, and the tests showed that Umusa was allergic to trees, grasses, dust mites, and fleas.
Umusa's dermatologist prescribed Apoquil, which blocks the allergy itch at the source. However, his bloodwork showed moderate renal disease, and he would need his bloodwork checked every 3 months. Umusa had his bloodwork rechecked last week at an additional cost of $198.90, and his renal levels were slightly elevated. Umusa's mom started administering subcutaneous fluids at home three times a week to help with his kidney function.
Umusa's dermatologist wants to wean him off the Apoquel and start Sublingual immunotherapy. A starter kit that lasts 9 months plus a recheck examination costs $635.00. We have not raised enough to cover Umusa's continued treatment. Can you help?