Our Mission

For The Love Of Alex Inc. provides emergency funding for life-saving veterinary care of low-income families.

Featured Carla Isenberg Featured Carla Isenberg

Hudson The Dog

Hudson, an adorable New Jersey puggle has at least 12 painful bladder stones that are causing him to urinate blood, have accidents in the home, and his abdomen is swollen and tender to the touch. Hudson needs surgery to remove the stones ASAP! However, his elderly parents can not afford it...

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Gracie and Chloe The Cats

Two lovely New Jersey fur sisters, Chloe and Gracie, need our help! They have been diagnosed with Stomatitis, an immune-mediated disorder that affects the oral cavity, including the gums, tongue, and throat. This condition is characterized by chronic inflammation and ulceration of the oral tissues, leading to symptoms such as pain, drooling, difficulty eating, and weight loss.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Wawa The Cat

This poor little kitty was maimed and desperately needs our help! Wawa’s mom took in an unaltered female kitty from a friend. She is low-income and could not afford to get Wawa spayed right away. Last month, she obtained a spay/neuter voucher from her local humane society, and Wawa was fixed.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Moon The Cat

Moon the New Jersey kitty has eaten something he shouldn’t have, and now he has an abdominal blockage and needs surgery ASAP! His mom has already spent $1000 on bloodwork, barium series, and x-rays; surgery is estimated to be over $5000.00!

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Mia The Dog

Mia is her daddy’s best friend forever; they go everywhere together. Mia has a mass that has grown enormous over the past year! This adorable pup loves to run and play but the tumor is robbing her from enjoying life.

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