Yubari The Cat
Yubari had a life-threatening urinary blockage. We helped with Yubari’s emergency surgery and he recovered; but he needs an expensive prescription diet to prevent another blockage. Please can you help feed Yubari.
Active Date
TUESDAY, June 6, 2023
Pets In Most Need
Yubari had a life-threatening urinary blockage. We helped with Yubari’s emergency surgery and he recovered; but he needs an expensive prescription diet to prevent another blockage. Please can you help feed Yubari.
Yubari’s Story:
URGENT! We have a kitty that has a urinary blockage. We put a $2,000.00 deposit down from the Emergency Fund to get Yubari unblocked, but he needs to be hospitalized for 3-5 days.
Yubari is only 2 years old and extremely important to his family. Yubari is a little girl's soul cat; he brings her comfort and joy when she is in pain.
Yubari’s little hooman has severe scoliosis and will undergo a full spinal fusion this summer. Her mom moved from California to Pennsylvania to be closer to family so she could care for her daughter full-time with her doctor's appointments, physical therapy, upcoming procedure, and lengthy recovery. They are low-income and are devastated that Yubari suddenly became so sick.
The estimate for continued hospitalization will run into thousands of dollars; the lower estimate is $4,500.00. Yubari will need 24/7 critical care; the ultrasound showed urine had backed into his kidneys, and the bloodwork showed elevated Creatine and Bun levels. The urinary catheter is still in to flush Yubari’s kidneys and remove any debris and will be removed once his bloodwork returns back normal. They are treating him with IV and oral medications.
In the last 24 hours, Yubari has improved greatly; his elevated blood levels are decreasing; however, he still has a long way to go. With the proper continued veterinary care, Yubari can make a full recovery!
Please help Yubari get better, so he can go home to his loving family, who miss him dearly.