Syrah The Cat
Syrah, the Nevada kitty escaped outside; her family frantically searched for her, but sadly they couldn’t find her. Three days later, Syrah somehow made it home; her face and neck were bloody. Syrah’s family rushed her to the Emergency Veterinary Clinic; they found bite wounds all over Syrah’s face and neck.
Active Date
MONDAY, June 12, 2023
Pets In Most Need
Syrah, the Nevada kitty escaped outside; her family frantically searched for her, but sadly they couldn’t find her. Three days later, Syrah somehow made it home; her face and neck were bloody. Syrah’s family rushed her to the Emergency Veterinary Clinic; they found bite wounds all over Syrah’s face and neck.
Syrah was very sick; she was severely dehydrated, lost weight, and had a fever; her facial wounds were profound and infected. Syrah needed surgery ASAP! Syrah’s family had no money; they live paycheck to paycheck and couldn’t afford her medical care. They applied for care credit to help pay for Syrah’s mounting medical bills.
Syrah’s veterinarian took x-rays to ensure she didn’t have a broken jaw; thankfully, she did not. Syrah had a huge abscess on her neck, and 12 separate facial wounds were cleaned, flushed, and sutured. Syrah was treated overnight with IV fluids, pain medications, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatories.
Syrah was discharged the next day and seemed to be doing better; however, a few days later, Syrah’s wounds around her jaw looked infected again. Syrah returned to the veterinary hospital, and her veterinarian confirmed that the skin on her neck is necrotic (dead) tissue. Syrah’s veterinarian recommended an aggressive wound treatment plan, debriding her wounds 2-3 times weekly to encourage new healthy skin growth.
The estimate for the additional medical care is approximately $800-1200.00, depending on how quickly Syrah responds to treatment. Her family has no credit left; they are already struggling financially and are heartbroken that this has happened to their sweet furbaby.
Please help this beautiful kitty get better.