Tinkerbell The Cat
Tinkerbell is experiencing significant pain due to a polyp growing in her ear canal. The polyp has enlarged to the point where it is leading to sinus drainage and swelling in her eye. Currently, Tinkerbell is undergoing monthly steroid injections to alleviate the pain and swelling, but her overall quality of life is deteriorating. The most effective course of relief is to surgically remove the polyp.
Active Date
Tuesday, June 18 2024
Pets In Most Need
Tinkerbell is experiencing significant pain due to a polyp growing in her ear canal. The polyp has enlarged to the point where it is leading to sinus drainage and swelling in her eye. Currently, Tinkerbell is undergoing monthly steroid injections to alleviate the pain and swelling, but her overall quality of life is deteriorating. The most effective course of relief is to surgically remove the polyp.
Tinkerbell also has an umbilical hernia that needs repairing, and her veterinarian can do both procedures simultaneously bearing no complications for an estimated cost of $1,494.60. Tinkerbell is 12 years old; this surgery will be life-changing for her, however; her mom can not afford the surgery. Tinkerbell’s mom was severely injured in a car accident that left her financially and physically disabled; she lives on a small monthly social security check that barely covers her living expenses.
Tinkerbell was abandoned and abused as a kitten fortunately she was rescued and found her furever home. Tinkerbell’s mom said “She suffered from social anxiety for quite a long time but she has really blossomed and is so loving. This is a simple procedure that can make her enjoy the rest of her life and I know she's got many happy years left! She brings a lot of joy to my life.”
Sadly, last month Tinkerbell’s 16-year-old furry friend Frankie passed over the rainbow bridge from heart and thyroid disease. Tinkerbell’s mom is heartbroken by the loss of Frankie and now Tinkerbell is suffering from this condition, which is taking a toll on mom’s health and well-being.
This beautiful furbaby deserves to live a life pain-free. Please can you help Tinkerbell feel better?