Sissy The Cat
Sweet Sissy has a golf ball-sized stone in her bladder, she is going to the litter box constantly and she is urinating blood. This sweet girl is in a lot of pain and needs surgery to remove the stone ASAP!
Active Date
Monday, April 18, 2022
Pets In Most Need
Sissy has a golf ball-sized stone in her bladder, she is going to the litter box constantly and she is urinating blood. This sweet girl is in pain and needs surgery to remove the stone ASAP!
Sissy’s mom can not afford the life-saving surgery for her sweet girl. Sissy’s mom is on social security and after all of her bills are paid she is left with just $148 for an entire month to live on. Sissy is her mom’s baby, she cannot bear to see her in pain and could not imagine saying goodbye to her sweet Sissy.
Sissy has been prescribed a special diet to try and help dissolve the stone and she is on pain medication, however, her veterinarian recommends surgery as the stone is so big that passing it would be impossible. Sissy will need to stay on a prescription diet for the rest of her life to prevent future stones from developing.
DO YOU BELIEVE IN MIRACLES? We do! Sissy has been on a special diet and medications for over a month to try and dissolve her bladder stone and give her some relief. However, on the day of her surgery, Sissy had a pre-op x-ray of her bladder. The x-rays revealed that Sissy’s bladder stone had dissolved by over 1/2 the original size, and her veterinarian opted not to do surgery. Instead, Sissy will continue with her special diet and medications until the stone has completely dissolved. Sissy will have follow-up exams & x-rays to monitor her recovery.
Thank you to everyone who donated and cared about this sweet girl.