Mano The Cat
A freakish accident has left this little kitten with a fractured hip. Full of kitten energy, Mano was zooming around the house when his dad noticed him suddenly start limping. The following day, Mano continued to avoid putting weight on his right back leg. His dad rushed him to a local low-cost animal clinic where x-rays confirmed that his hip is fractured and needs to be surgically repaired.
Active Date
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Pets In Most Need
A freakish accident has left this little kitten with a fractured hip. Full of kitten energy, Mano was zooming around the house when his dad noticed him suddenly start limping. The following day, Mano continued to avoid putting weight on his right back leg. His dad rushed him to a local low-cost animal clinic where x-rays confirmed that his hip is fractured and needs to be surgically repaired.
At just seven months old, Manoβs bones have not fully developed, which makes him more vulnerable to an injury like this. Cats typically reach skeletal maturity around 10-11 months of age. Mano needs FHO, or femoral head osteotomy, a surgical procedure that aims to restore pain-free mobility to his damaged hip.
The earliest date the low-cost clinic could operate on Mano was in 4 weeks; however, Mano can not wait that long; he needs this surgery as soon as possible. Currently, he is receiving pain medication and confined to a small area to limit his activity. Luckily, an opening has become available at another veterinary hospital this Friday, with an estimated cost of $1800.00.
Manoβs dad is a remarkable young man striving to improve his life and support his family. While working part-time, looking after a younger sibling, and attending school, he barely makes it by paying his bills and supporting his brother. He can not afford Manoβs surgery but canβt bear to think that he may have to surrender him to a shelter if he canβt find funding for Mano. This young family deserves our help! Please, can you help them today?