Kitty The Cat
Ms. Kitty's health concerns are not only affecting her physical well-being but also her overall quality of life. Her dull coat, dry skin, and excessive fur loss indicate that her condition requires professional veterinary care. While her mom has explored homeopathic remedies, it is clear that Kitty needs veterinary care.
Active Date
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Pets In Most Need
Ms. Kitty's health concerns are not only affecting her physical well-being but also her overall quality of life. Her dull coat, dry skin, and excessive fur loss indicate that her condition requires professional veterinary care. While her mom has explored homeopathic remedies, it is clear that Kitty needs veterinary care.
At 11 years old, Kitty has already experienced the uncertainty of life in a shelter before finding a loving home. Unfortunately, many older cats do not have the same fortune and struggle to find a forever home. The fact that Kitty's mom adopted her from a shelter speaks volumes about her compassion and dedication to giving animals a second chance.
However, Kitty's mom is currently facing financial constraints due to her recent job loss and cannot afford her medical care. She is actively seeking assistance through the Delaware Nation Vocational Rehabilitation Program (DNVRP), which aims to support individuals with disabilities in finding or maintaining employment that aligns with their specific needs.
Can you please help Ms. Kitty receive the necessary medical attention she deserves?