Echo The Cat
Echo was recently adopted from a rescue organization. Echo appeared to be a healthy 9-month-old female kitten. She had been spayed and was up to date on her vaccinations. However; recently her mom noticed Echo licking her side and found a sticky substance on Echo’s beautiful orange coat and when she cleaned the area her fur fell out. Upon further examination, Echo’s mom found a hole in Echo’s side.
Active Date
MONDAY, JUNe 3, 2024
Pets In Most Need
Echo was recently adopted from a rescue organization. Echo appeared to be a healthy 9-month-old female kitten. She had been spayed and was up to date on her vaccinations. However; recently her mom noticed Echo licking her side and found a sticky substance on Echo’s beautiful orange coat and when she cleaned the area her fur fell out. Upon further examination, Echo’s mom found a hole in Echo’s side.
Echo’s mom took her to a veterinary clinic for an exam. The examining veterinarian said the wound was a historical wound from a pre-adoption injury that had reopened and it needs to be surgically repaired. Unfortunately; the rescue organization had no records of an injury or any other medical issues prior to Echo’s adoption and was unwilling to help.
Echo will need surgery to place a drain to help with the infection and suture up the hole, then the drain would be removed after 3 days. However, the estimate for Echo’s medical care is approximately $700.00.
Echo’s mom is a student and works on campus part-time; she makes less than $20,000.00 and in today’s economy she barely gets by. Due to mounting student loans, Echo’s mom did not qualify for care credit. Responsibly, Echo’s mom had purchased pet insurance the day she adopted Echo; however, the insurance has a grace period and Echo does not qualify for benefits yet!
Can you help this beautiful orange furbaby with her medical care?