Our Mission

For The Love Of Alex Inc. provides emergency funding for life-saving veterinary care of low-income families.

Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Prescott The Cat

The Emergency Fund recently helped a young cat in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Prescott is just two years old and still a very playful kitten. Due to his energetic behavior and a severe case of kitten β€œZoomies,” Prescott fell off a high cabinet and injured his back leg severely.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Bitty The Cat

Unfortunately, not all stories have a happy ending. Little Bitty’s elderly parents contacted us last week; their 12-year-old kitty wasn’t doing well. Bitty was having trouble breathing, and she started flopping around on the floor, terrifying her parents. Due to the urgency of Bitty’s declining condition, we used funds from the Emergency Fund to get her into a Veterinary hospital ASAP!

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Magick The Cat

This handsome boy Magick, is going through a tough time battling a severe upper respiratory infection that seems to linger despite three rounds of antibiotics he has received. The poor kitty is congested and has lost his appetite, making it clear that he needs additional medications to combat this stubborn virus.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Samson The Cat

THE EMERGENCY FUND RECENTLY HELPED SAMSON AND HIS FAMILY! Samson's elderly parents contacted us recently to see if we could help with the cost of Samson's annual checkup and bloodwork. Samson has an overactive thyroid, but with daily medication, his condition is under control.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Sergio The Cat

Recently, the Emergency Fund was crucial in providing urgent medical care to Sergio, a Texas kitty in desperate need. Sergio had sustained a significant neck wound after wandering outside, and despite his mother's best efforts to clean and bandage the wound, it became infected, necessitating immediate veterinary attention.

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Featured Austin Meadows Featured Austin Meadows

Sammy The Cat

We have some sad news to share. 😿

We were recently contacted by an elderly gentleman from Minnesota. His 23-year-old kitty, Sammy, was not doing good. She was urinating blood, not eating, and had lost a lot of weight. Sammy's dad knew it was time to say goodbye to his sweet girl.

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