Samson The Cat
THE EMERGENCY FUND RECENTLY HELPED SAMSON AND HIS FAMILY! Samson's elderly parents contacted us recently to see if we could help with the cost of Samson's annual checkup and bloodwork. Samson has an overactive thyroid, but with daily medication, his condition is under control.
Active Date
Friday, March 1, 2024
Pets In Most Need
THE EMERGENCY FUND RECENTLY HELPED SAMSON AND HIS FAMILY! Samson's elderly parents contacted us recently to see if we could help with the cost of Samson's annual checkup and bloodwork.
Samson has an overactive thyroid, but with daily medication, his condition is under control. However, every year, Samson's thyroid levels need to be rechecked to ensure the medication is working.
Samson's elderly parents can manage the cost of his daily medication @ 18 cents a pill from Chewy, but they are struggling with the rising costs of inflation, and Samson's dad is bravely battling cancer; they live on a meager social security check, and can not afford Samson's veterinary exam and bloodwork right now.
We helped with the cost of his exam and T4 bloodwork. The results showed that Samson's daily medication needed to be increased to 1 pill twice a day. It has been a month, and Samson had his bloodwork rechecked; his thyroid levels are now within normal range, and Samson has gained 1.4 lbs and is doing great on his new medication dose.
Samson and his family are examples of how the Emergency Fund can help in the smallest of ways but have a HUGE impact on a pet's quality of life. We can't fundraise for every pet we help; that is why the Emergency Fund is vital to our mission.
You can make a difference in the life of a pet who needs urgent medical help with a donation today!