Pepper The Cat
This handsome kitty needs medical attention as soon as possible. Pepper has what appears to be allergic dermatitis, that is robbing him of his beautiful fur. Pepper is extremely itchy and is chewing at his skin until it bleeds.
North Carolina
Active Date
Friday, January 21, 2022
Pets In Most Need
This handsome boy needs medical attention as soon as possible. Pepper has what appears to be allergic dermatitis, that is robbing him of his beautiful fur and affecting his quality of life. Pepper is extremely itchy and is chewing at his skin until it is red and bleeding. Pepper needs an veterinary exam to determine the cause.
His mom is having a hard time right now, she started her own home cleaning business right before the pandemic started, and has lost most of her clients. She is struggling to make ends meet for her family and is hopeful things will pick back up soon, however Pepper is miserable and he cannot wait.
The initial veterinary exam is $100, plus any medical treatment Pepper may need for his allergies. Can you help this handsome boy and his family?