Ocean The Cat
Ocean, the senior kitty from Hawaii, has a special bond with her elderly mom, who found her abandoned and helpless at just 3 weeks old. Ocean has lost a lot of weight lately despite a ravenous appetite worrying her mom. Ocean needs diagnostic tests to rule out common ailments, that with proper diagnosis, can be managed with medication and/or prescription food.
Active Date
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Pets In Most Need
Ocean, a senior kitty from Hawaii, has lost a lot of weight lately despite a ravenous appetite worrying her elderly mom. Ocean needs diagnostic tests to rule out common ailments in elderly cats, such as Hyperthyroidism, diabetes, or renal disease that, with proper diagnosis, can be managed with medication and/or prescription food.
Ocean’s mom found her downstairs at her apartment building, all alone at just 3 weeks old. Ocean could not eat solid food, and her rescuer and furever mom bottle-fed her until she was ready for solid food. Ocean’s mom is 70 years old and living in public housing. She has been struggling with health issues after a fall, and the emotional stress of seeing her sweet furbaby girl wasting away is taking its toll.
The financial burden of diagnostic tests and treatments necessary to ensure Ocean's health and quality of life has become overwhelming for Ocean's elderly mom. The high cost of living in Hawaii has placed these essential medical interventions out of reach, leaving Ocean's mom feeling helpless and desperate to find a way to help her sweet girl.
Ocean and her mom's unwavering bond is a testament to the power of a pet’s love and companionship for our senior citizens. Their connection runs deep, having weathered many challenges together over the years. They just need a little help today.