Max The Cat
Max has been diagnosed with an Aural Hematoma. He needs surgery to alleviate the pain. The hematoma is causing Max’s ear to droop because it’s so heavy! Unfortunately, his mom is low-income and cannot afford his surgery cost.
Active Date
Monday, September 04, 2023
Pets In Most Need
Max has been diagnosed with an Aural Hematoma. He needs surgery to alleviate the pain. The hematoma is causing Max’s ear to droop because it’s so heavy! Unfortunately, his mom is low-income and cannot afford his surgery cost.
Max was diagnosed with allergies, which caused him to scratch and shake his head excessively. His veterinarian drained the hematoma; however, it grew back. Surgery is the only option to prevent the hematoma from returning. Surgery involves placing a series of sutures through the ear flap, holding both layers of skin to the cartilage. The sutures will be removed after ten days.
Max is only seven years old; he was adopted from a shelter when he was a tiny kitten and has a loving home. Max is well cared for and up-to-date on his vaccinations, but his mom could never imagine he would need an expensive surgery like this. Surgery will cost $2200.00, an amount his mom cannot afford.
Max’s mom's heart is breaking, knowing he is not his usual self. Max’s mom said, “he hides a lot and has not been playing with his furry friends.”
Can you help this beloved Texan kitty receive the medical care he deserves?
Please help Max today.