Onyx The Cat
Onyx, a beautiful New York kitty, needed medical care immediately! Onyx was extremely lethargic and wasn’t eating and drinking. Onyx’s mom contacted us and asked if we could help. We used funds from the Emergency Fund to get Onyx to a veterinary clinic.
Active Date
Tuesday, August 29, 2023
Pets In Most Need
Onyx, a beautiful New York kitty, needed medical care immediately! Onyx was extremely lethargic and wasn’t eating and drinking. Onyx’s mom contacted us and asked if we could help. We used funds from the Emergency Fund to get Onyx to a veterinary clinic.
The examination revealed that Onyx had a fever, and something was sticky on her belly. The veterinarian shaved Onyx’s belly and found three open wounds that were infected. The wounds were consistent with bite wounds. Onyx’s mom was in shock; Onyx is an indoor kitty and an only pet; however, Onyx had escaped outside about a week before and must of been in an altercation with another animal.
Onyx was treated with an antibiotic injection, pain medication, and a topical medication. The total cost for Onyx’s medical care was $584.12.
The Emergency Fund is vital to our mission. We do not have the time or resources to fundraise for every pet we help. Some pets like Onyx need help now and cannot wait a few days for us to fundraise for them. The Emergency Fund supports these pets.
Please donate to the Emergency Fund today to help save a life tomorrow.