Shadow The Cat
URGENT! Shadow is being rushed to the emergency clinic, we don't really know what or how it happened, but his mom said they had some little out of town guests visiting and now Shadow can’t walk!
Active Date
Saturday, September 18, 2021
Pets In Most Need
Can you help us help Shadow?
URGENT! Shadow is being rushed to the emergency clinic, we don't really know what or how it happened but his mom said they had some little out of town guests visiting and now Shadow can’t walk!
Because of the urgency of the situation we have put a deposit down for diagnostic testing and we are waiting on the results.
Can you help us help this handsome boy?
Shadow finally has a Diagnosis
After extensive testing he has a diagnosis. Shadow has been diagnosed with Saddle Thrombus a serious and sometimes fatal complication of heart disease in cats. A blood clot broke loose from his heart and moved to his lower abdomen causing his rear limbs to swell due to a lack of oxygen and nutrients - paralyzing his back legs.
Shadow is being treated for pain, anti-clot medications and fluid therapy. His mom said that today, Shadow stood up for a whole minute without falling over. He is making remarkable progress!
We are praying that the medication dissolves the clot and Shadow keeps improving.