Cosmo The Cat
WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES! This handsome Portland, Oregon kitty escaped outside over the holiday weekend; Cosmo has a severe facial injury that abscessed and was infected; Cosmo needed medical attention ASAP!
Active Date
Wednesday, July 5, 2023
Pets In Most Need
This handsome Portland, Oregon kitty escaped outside over the holiday weekend; Cosmo has a severe facial injury that abscessed and was infected; Cosmo needed medical attention ASAP!
Cosmo’s mom has been doctoring his facial wounds as best she could for a few days; she couldn’t afford to take him to an emergency clinic, and her local veterinary clinic would not accept a payment plan. Cosmo’s mom borrowed a cone to prevent him from scratching at his face, but his injury looked like it was worsening. Luckily, Cosmo’s eye was intact and wasn’t damaged.
At the very least, Cosmo needed an exam and medications. Cosmo’s mom is low-income; she is physically unable to work due to several medical issues; she is a heart attack survivor, insulin-dependent, and had a cerebellar infarct (cerebellar stroke). She barely makes it by living on a paltry survivor’s benefit. Cosmo means everything to her; Cosmo is his mom’s companion and gets her through the tough days.
We used funds from the Emergency Fund to get Cosmo into an Emergency Veterinary Hospital; the examination revealed five bite wounds on Cosmo’s forehead and face. Cosmo was the perfect patient; his veterinarian cleaned and treated his wounds without sedation, and Cosmo was sent home with antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, pain medications, and a flea treatment. Cosmo will have a check-up in a few days to ensure his wounds heal properly.
The Emergency Fund is getting dangerously low; the Emergency Fund is critical to our mission. We do not have the time or resources to fundraise for every pet we help. Some pets need help now and cannot wait a few days for us to fundraise for them. The Emergency Fund supports these pets; please help refill the fund so we can help more pets like Cosmo.