Ben The Cat
Ben was adopted from a rescue organization as a kitten and has a loving home with his furbrothers. Recently, his furry friends noticed something wrong with Ben and began licking his back. His mom discovered a cyst and saw that it was bleeding.
Active Date
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Pets In Most Need
Ben was adopted from a rescue organization as a kitten and has a loving home with his furbrothers. Recently, his furry friends noticed something wrong with Ben and began licking his back. His mom discovered a cyst and saw that it was bleeding. Concerned, she took Ben to the veterinarian.
Benβs veterinarian recommends removing the cyst and sending it to the laboratory for testing. However, Ben's mom, a 77-year-old senior citizen living alone with her three boys, faces financial challenges. She relies on a monthly social security income of $1524.00, barely covering necessities.
Ben's brother, Pete, has diabetes and requires daily insulin and prescription food, costing an additional $200 per month. With this ongoing medical expense, Ben's mom cannot afford his surgery.
The estimated cost of Ben's surgery is $1174.60, which includes pre-surgery bloodwork, a CT scan, and histopathology. Benβs veterinarian suspects the cyst may be a Feline injection-site sarcoma (FISS). However, the incidence of sarcomas in relation to vaccinations is relatively low, estimated to be 1 in 10,000 vaccine injections. Ben's surgeon is confident that she can remove all the tumor with clean margins.
At only 7 years old, Ben has many good years ahead of him, having fun with his fur brothers, Pete and Yogi, and offering companionship to his elderly mom. Your support will significantly impact Ben's longevity.