A Visit From Penelope The Cat

Today we celebrate a success story from 2015. Whenever we meet a pet and owner from one of For The Love Of Alex's historical cases, we feel closer to our founder, Elizabeth. Back in 2015, Elizabeth was doing all of the case management herself. Unfortunately, after her untimely passing in 2018, we were not able to locate contact information for many of these historical cases, so we rely on people reaching out to us for updates. We were thrilled to hear from Sandi, and Penelope the cat, from Indiana.

"I wanted to share my story with you. Back in 2015, I shared my story [with Elizabeth] about my kitten named Preemie...we had decided for certain reasons during her fundraiser to change her name to Penelope. She visited NIVES in Fort Wayne. She had a broken jaw at six weeks old, which wasn't discovered until one day I noticed she was lethargic and not eating well. Her jaw had fused shut. [For The Love Of Alex] helped me by sending us to Fort Wayne. They re-broke her jaw and, in testing, discovered she had feline leukemia. The doctor there told me her life expectancy was three years old. She has a death sentence, and like so many, they lost interest in doing anything further...one doctor told me to give her a lot of TLC which I have. I feed her high nutrition food, lots of love, and attention. She is still thriving today; she has every 6-month check-ups at a cat clinic. I thank you for the help you gave her because if you hadn't, she wouldn't be here today. She is high spirited, so joyful and full of life. Nothing like I've ever seen from a cat I have had. She is coming up to her 5th birthday, and I truly treasure every day I have with her. She is my sunshine, my queen. She truly is a miracle. The day she was injured, I held her in my hands, dropped to my knees, and said Jesus over and over. Now some may not believe in God/Jesus, but he heard my prayers. Thank you again for answering my request for help and reaching out to us."

Because of Angel-Donors like you, Penelope is alive today. Thank you for caring.


Howie the Cat’s Success Story.


Have A Heart To Save A Life Today ❀️