A Cautionary Tale for Moon The Kitty

Moon had eaten something he shouldn’t have, he became very sick. He was vomiting and not passing any stool. An x-ray revealed that Moon’s intestines were blocked. Despite being treated with fluids and medications to help him pass the foreign object, Moon’s condition did not improve. Surgery was estimated to be over $5000, however, the veterinarian would not know how much damage was done to Moon’s GI tract until he got into surgery.

We raised enough funds to cover the low end of the estimate and put a deposit down for surgery. His veterinarian was prepared to work out something with us if we promised to pay the rest of the bill. Moon had emergency surgery, and what the veterinarian pulled out of Moon was shocking! Moon had swallowed 5 pieces of silicone from a child’s bracelet. These bracelets are common, a lot of organizations including FTLOA have bracelets to give out at events to raise awareness about their mission or cause.

Luckily for Moon, his surgery went well with no complications. The day following surgery, Moon was doing so well, that he was discharged from the Veterinary Hospital. Moon has a few weeks of recovery, and he has to wear his cone for 10 days until the sutures are removed.

Moon’s mom could not believe her beautiful boy would eat a silicone bracelet, and she is removing all of them from her home. Moon did so well post-surgery that his veterinarian discharged him the following evening. Moon is a fighter! His mom said he is doing fantastic and cannot thank all the donors enough; she is overwhelmed by the love and support Moon and herself have received from animal lovers around the globe.🌎

Thank you to everyone who helped Moon. YOU SAVED HIS LIFE!


