Carla Isenberg Carla Isenberg

Willie Nelson is back on the road again!

Willie Nelson is on the road again! Willie Nelson was viscously attacked and his tail was nearly ripped off. Despite efforts by his veterinarian and his mom, half his tail fell off leaving the end of his tail infected and tissue exposed. His veterinarian said the tail could no longer be saved and he needed surgery. Willie Nelson had his tail amputated, and he is recovering very well. His mom said he acted a little strange for a few days after surgery, but now he is back to his old hambone self.

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Carla Isenberg Carla Isenberg

Kilo had P.U. Surgery to save his life!

Kilo had Perineal Urethrostomy surgery on August 25th to surgically open his urethra and make a new, wider opening to prevent future blockages.

Kilo had another set back! Over the weekend Kilo started straining to urinate and crying in pain. His mom rushed him to the emergency clinic Sunday night, and the veterinarian confirmed that Kilo has an aggressive urinary tract infection.

Kilo is being treated with heavy antibiotics, fluids and pain medication. This sweet boy has been through so much!

Kilo is on a special urinary prescription food and will have to stay on it for the rest of his life to prevent any future problems. The food is very expensive, it costs over $100 a month to feed him. We are helping Kilo’s mom with the cost of the prescription food, if you can help feed kilo please donate today.

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Carla Isenberg Carla Isenberg

Fabulous News! Baby Nubbins is healing well.

Tiny baby Nubbins was accidentally trapped underneath her disabled moms wheelchair. 😿 She was dragging her back legs and in pain. We assumed that she was paralyzed and paid for the emergency veterinary exam and x-rays.

Miraculously, Nubbins had no broken bones, just a slight fracture in a growth plate that hopefully will heal in time as she grows. Nubbins is still being monitored closely by her vet to make sure she doesn't have any neurological damage.

We will continue to help Nubbins and her mom until she gets a clean bill of health. ❀️

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Carla Isenberg Carla Isenberg

Good news for Peru the Kitty

Good News for Peru.🐈 Peru had surgery to remove a cancerous mass in her ear canal. The surgery was incredibly invasive, but Peru pulled through and is home recovering πŸ’•

She does have some facial nerve paralysis, which hopefully will improve in the next few weeks. The tumor was sent off for a biopsy to see what it is and if Peru will need Chemo therapy.

Her mom said she is eating well and purring like crazy. She's happy to be home.

We wish Peru a speedy recovery so she can get back to work as a licensed therapy cat. Thank you to everyone who helped Peru get the life-changing surgery she desperately needed.

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Carla Isenberg Carla Isenberg

Tiny Tini had her dental cleaning and extractions.

TINI the pup finally had her dental procedure done today!πŸ• Everything went well, the veterinarian had estimated that 1-2 teeth needed pulling, but once Tini was on the table, the veterinarian could get a better look at how severe her periodontal disease was and recommended pulling a total of 12 teeth! Tini is doing good, she is home and resting comfortably.

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Carla Isenberg Carla Isenberg

Andy had a setback 😿

Andy endured weeks of treatments for his burns and infection. Finally months later he was given a clean bill of health. However, something wasn't right with Andy's tail, he was constantly chewing on it and made it bleed, his mom believes he chewed the tip off!

After consulting with his vet, it has been determined that Andy has nerve damage to his tail that is beyond repair and the best thing for him is to remove his tail.

Andy is home after surgery and he is doing great!

Thank you for saving this tiny, innocent kitten. You can help save more pets in need like Andy, please donate today.

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Carla Isenberg Carla Isenberg

Ethan the tiny kitten received emergency medical care.

AMAZING NEWS For Ethan the tiny kitten πŸˆβ€β¬› who was found abandoned in a parking lot with a huge gash to his leg. If he hadn't been rescued he would have died from infection.

Ethan has been receiving laser treatments for his wound to promote faster healing and he was just given a clean bill of health from his veterinarian! πŸ₯³

He sure has become a very handsome boy! Ethan loves his forever home and his BFF Bill the kitty.

Your donations helped save Ethan and we are so blessed that you cared. If you would like to save another pet in need, please donate

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Carla Isenberg Carla Isenberg

Feather finally had surgery to remove painful kidney stones!

Feather has been living a wonderful kitty life with her new family, until recently she became very sick and was diagnosed with painful kidney stones and needed surgery. Surgery had to be delayed because the pre-surgical bloodwork showed that she was severely anemic. After treating her anemia, Feather received her life-saving surgery and is a happy, healthy kitty cat.

Feather was saved thanks to your generosity and kindness πŸ’•

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Carla Isenberg Carla Isenberg

Elvis has left the building!

Elvis the tiny pup had his dental surgery and all went well. Elvis's periodontal disease was so bad, he had 12 teeth extracted. His mom said he is doing well, he is a little sore but he is getting plenty of hugs and belly rubs.

Thank you to everyone who cared about this pup, he brings such comfort and joy to his elderly mom. Your donations are incredible gifts of love, we cannot thank you enough.

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Carla Isenberg Carla Isenberg

Sweet Olive Oil had her dental surgery and is doing well.

Because of the kindness and generosity of strangers, Olive Oil received the dental care she needed. She had 3 more teeth removed, leaving with her with just a few teeth. Her mom said she is doing great, she is a little sore from the extractions but is eating soft food and back to her sassy, kitty cat self.

Thank you to everyone who cared and generously gave to help Olive and her mom. If you would like to help other pets in need of medical care, please donate to our emergency fund today:

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Carla Isenberg Carla Isenberg

Bellatrix & Callisto received the medical care they desperately needed. πŸ’•

Bellatrix & Callisto received a full veterinary exam, they were both diagnosed with a severe upper respiratory infections. They were given an antibiotic injection that lasts 10 days, and mom said they are improving everyday.

Thank you to everyone who cared about these sweet fur babies and donated to their care. If you would like to help other pets in need of veterinary care, please donate today.

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Carla Isenberg Carla Isenberg

Zeus had surgery and it was a success!

Because of your generosity and kindness, Zeus had his surgery to repair his broken leg. Surgery went great, the veterinarian orthopedic surgeon put in a plate and screws to hold Zeus's bone in place and he was able to go home the next day with pain medications and a light sedative. Zeus has a very long road to recovery and his mom has the challenge of keeping this rambunctious 2-year-old calm and confined until his bone has completely healed. We will keep you updated on Zeus's recovery.

Thank you Angels for helping Zeus and his mom, we couldn't imagine what would have happened to Zeus without you!

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Carla Isenberg Carla Isenberg

Khaleesi has had a setback 😿

Khaleesi has been on a strict prescription diet and insulin injections twice a day for over a month now, however Khaleesi was having trouble with her glucose levels due to a UTI. She was treated with antibiotics and she had her first check up with her veterinarian since her antibiotic treatment.

Khaleesi's blood glucose levels have improved, her veterinarian will continue to monitor her for the next few weeks and hopefully her levels will stabilize enough to where her mom will be able to start testing her at home.

Khaleesi has been a true warrior princess throughout this process. Her mom said, "I don't know what we would have done without For The Love Of Alex, I really don't!"

We are continuing to help Khaleesi and her mom with these expensive veterinary visits until she can get back on her feet. If you would like to help with Khaleesi's continued care, please donate today.

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Austin Meadows Austin Meadows

Monkey The Cat Update

Monkey is feeling so much better!

We received wonderful news from Monkey's mom, Monkey was diagnosed with a severe upper respiratory infection and skin infection on her chin. She was treated with oral antibiotics and an anti-fungal cream. Her mom said she is doing so much better, she is eating again and back to her kitty self. Thank you to every one who helped this little fur baby and her mom.

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Austin Meadows Austin Meadows

Bakugo is on the mend!

Bakugo is on the mend!

Bakugo was rushed to the emergency clinic, the veterinarian found string wrapped tightly around his tongue and he had swallowed the rest. The string was cut from his tongue however Bakugo could not pass the rest of the string naturally. Bakugo had emergency surgery on Christmas Eve night to remove string that he had swallowed. Surgery went extremely well, and Bakugo was discharged Christmas morning. What a wonderful Christmas gift for his family that loves him dearly.

Bakugo had to stay quiet for 10 days to allow his body to heal. His mom said it was a challenge, and now Bakugo is back to his mischievous, playful self. Thank you to everyone who cared about this sweet boy.

If you can help other pets like Bakugo, please donate today.

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Austin Meadows Austin Meadows

Murray had her life-saving surgery!

Murray had her life-saving surgery to remove an intestinal obstruction

Murray had surgery to remove an intestinal obstruction and is home and resting comfortably, her mom said she is drinking a lot of water and going to the bathroom regularly. Yay!!! Get better soon sweet girl.

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Austin Meadows Austin Meadows

Feather has had a setback.

Feather the 3-legged Cat has had a setback. Surgery to remove painful kidney stones for this sweet baby was scheduled for last week, however the pre-op bloodwork showed that Feather is extremely anemic and having surgery at this time would be far too dangerous.

Surgery has been put on hold for now. Feather is being treated for her anemia and hopefully she will get her surgery soon. Because surgery was postponed, and Feather is going to need additional pre-op testing and the medications she is currently taking, we have fallen short in funding. 😿

Can you help Feather?

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Austin Meadows Austin Meadows

Andy is a Fighter!

Andy is a Fighter!

Tiny Andy is a Fighter! Andy was lucky, most of his tail has healed, only a part of the tip of his tail died and naturally fell off. Andy has made a full recovery and is getting so big! His mom says he is full of energy and loves to get into mischief. Thank you to every one who cared about the little guy.

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