Khaleesi has had a setback 😿

Khaleesi has been on a strict prescription diet and insulin injections twice a day for over a month now, however Khaleesi was having trouble with her glucose levels due to a UTI. She was treated with antibiotics and she had her first check up with her veterinarian since her antibiotic treatment.

Khaleesi's blood glucose levels have improved, her veterinarian will continue to monitor her for the next few weeks and hopefully her levels will stabilize enough to where her mom will be able to start testing her at home.

Khaleesi has been a true warrior princess throughout this process. Her mom said, "I don't know what we would have done without For The Love Of Alex, I really don't!"

We are continuing to help Khaleesi and her mom with these expensive veterinary visits until she can get back on her feet. If you would like to help with Khaleesi's continued care, please donate today.


Zeus had surgery and it was a success!


Monkey The Cat Update