Sweet Socks is doing well post-op!❤️

Socks was spayed on Thursday; the surgery went great, and she was discharged later that day. Sock's dad said she ate well and had a good night's sleep. Socks has to wear her cone until the sutures are removed in 10 days. We will have more updates on Socks soon!

Read Socks Full Story:

We met Socks and her dad a few weeks ago. Socks was diagnosed with Feline Idiopathic Cystitis (FIC), a non-infectious disorder resulting in painful inflammation of the urinary bladder, sometimes caused by stress. We helped with the cost of her treatment, and she fully recovered!

However, the exam revealed that Socks had a uterus, meaning she had not been spayed. Her dad was quite shocked, as he was told by Sock’s previous owner she had been.

As you know, spaying and neutering a pet can prevent many diseases. Though we do not usually help with routine veterinary care, we made a special exception for Socks. Her dad is just getting back on his feet, and we had some funds left over to help.


Little Max is doing amazing!💙


Ichi, the Iowa kitty, is doing better!